"sassy much?" Arthur asks.
i look at the lady and i see a broken wine glass in her hand.
i look around and i see the dim lit candles.
"she was on a date" i tell Arthur.
"how do you know?" he asks me.
"Dim litted candles and wine? the dress she's wearing? it all adds up to a date" i tell him.

i walk in to the bed room and i hear a noise come from the closet.

i walk to it and i hear a whimper.
the door way was open a crack.
i slowly open the door and i see a small child sitting behind some clothes as he whimpers.
"hey" i say softly.
"he killed mommy" the little boy whimpers.

"i'm with the police. will you come out?" i ask as i hold my hand out for him to take.
"maria hills" Kim says as she walks in.
"what?? oh this is the lady's child" i tell her.
"that's her name Maria hills" Kim replies.
i look at my phone and i realize its getting late.
"i have to meet my date soon. i'll talk soon. take the child?"i ask.

she nods and i leave them.
i walk down the dark alley way and i reach the fancy resturant.

i see the guy i met.

his bright blue eyes shimmered in the candle light.

"So sorry i'm late, Daniel" i tell him.
"yea that's all right. so how have you been?" he asks.

"I'm good. so tell me how long have you lived here?" i ask him.
"i just moved here. its exciting to see the night time city lights" he says while smiling.
"your a night time person.?" i ask.
"i never go out in the day light. i easily get sun burned" he says.
my phone rings and i answer it.
"Kim asked about a lady named Maria Hills and her child" Jack says in to the phone.
"Um Jack why didn't you just call her?" i ask.
"i did three times. and what child?" he asks.
"you mean Kim isn't answering her phone?" i ask slowly.
"no. Maria doesn't have a child. not on record anyways." he replies.

Daniel grabs my phone from my hands.
"so sorry you had to find out that way" he says as he ends the call.
"your... the vampire?" i ask slowly.
"i sent Jeremy the kid to retrieve you and your friend but looks like he only got one." he says while smiling.

i stand up and i take off in a run from the table.
i run down the alley and i get tackled.
i slowly open my eyes and i see a dark room.
a abandoned warehouse.
"see we need new members and we looked hard and long but we couldn't find any. that's when i saw her talking to him at the club" Daniel says while smiling.
i look over and i see Kim chained to the wall still passed out.

i realize i'm chained too.
"Who was talking to Kim?" i ask.
"i even asked him about her but he refused to give any information about her. so if i wanted him i would have to take her" Daniel explains.
"are.. are you talking about Jack?" i ask.
"then i saw you with the male and i figured, two for one." he says with a shrug.
"wait back up. you think Jack will come for Kim?" i ask in disbelief.

"he was already searching for her when he called you. we gave him subtle but hidden clues to here. once we turn him he can feast on her while the other feasts on you" he says while chucking.
i try to wiggle out of my chains but they were attached to the wall.
"your creeping me out now" i mutter.
"where you go he follows." he says as he carresses my cheek
"leave me alone! let me and Kim go!" i scream at him.

he sniffs my neck and i whimper.
"they'll be here soon" Daniel whispers in my ear.
i hear a door break on the first floor and Daniel smiles.
"KIM KIM Wake up!" i hiss at her.
she moans then she slowly opens her eyes.
"poor girls. all alone" Daniel says in a sing song voice.

we hear a gun fire and Daniel looks down at his chest.

a hole was petruding from it.
"only i can talk to them like that" a voice says angrily.
i look up and i see Jack standing at the bottom of the stairs holding a gun.
Arthur stood next to him.
"your here" Daniel says while smiling.
"get Anna and Kim" Arthur tells Jack.

Jack runs to me and unchains me then Kim.
Kim was back to being passed out so Jack picked her up.
Jack runs up the stairs and i follow him.
"what about Arthur?" i ask.
"i'm here lets go!" Arthur says as he grabs my arm and makes me run.
i sit in the ambulence with Kim and the doctors check her.
i get out and the rain soaks me.
i walk over to Jack who was standing in the shadows so the police couldn't see him.
"A disturbing rumor came to me" i tell him.
"and whats the rumor?" he asks.
"That you fancy Kim" i say slowly.
"of course not." he says but his eyes betray him.

he walks away and Arthur walks to me.
"sorry your date didn't turn out to be human" he says.
"it was a sign telling me not to date anyone" i tell him as i walk to Kim.
"STOP STOP"i scream in pain.
"it isn't real!" the doctor yells at me.
i run my sweat covered hair through my hands.
"he's real!" i murmur.
the doctor sighs and he nods to the nurse.
the nurse walks over with the syringe and doses me with morphine.

i let out a whimper.
"tell us then" he whispers in my ear.
"he is real" i say barely able to be heard.

i get slapped across the face.
"what happened after?" he asks.
"if i told you, you wouldn't believe me" i reply.

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