Clearing It Up

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"Thanks for helping me go home, but I told you it was no big deal," Yoongi said. "My house isn't something great anyway." Yoongi was right. He didn't live in a two-story house, but an almost run down apartment. "Its no problem Yoongi, I'm grateful enough that you even brought me to your house. Am I the first one you invited your house?" Jungkook asked excitedly. Yoongi shook his head, much to Jungkook's dismay. "Then who did you invite here first?"

"An old friend from pre-school."

"What's his name?"

"You, don't you think that you're asking too much questions?" Yoongi asked, a bit irritated. "Ah, hehe, sorry, hyung." Jungkook flashed an apologetic smile. Jungkook followed Yoongi inside of his home and looked around. The place was nice and tidy, but no one was around. Does he actually live with his uncle? Jungkook thought. He walked over to the shelves and saw pictures of Yoongi when he was small and when he graduated middle school.

"Yoongi hyung's so cute," Jungkook mumbled to himself while smiling. Jungkook took out his phone and took pictures of Yoongi's pictures. He saw other pictures where there was a woman standing beside him, smiling just like Yoongi. It must be his mom. Jungkook thought as he browsed through more of the pictures. There seems to be no sign of a male in the pictures. So were the rumors fake?

"Yoongi hyung." Yoongi hummed in response to his name being called. "By any chance.... Do you live with an abusive uncle?" Jungkook finally asked. He'll know the answer once and for all. He looked back at Yoongi and as always his face was expressionless. "Who did you get that from?"

"I don't know, uhm, I just heard it somewhere." So the rumors are real then? "No, I don't have an abusive uncle, that's ridiculous, everyone making stupid rumors about me," he scoffed. "I'm sorry, are you mad?" The younger felt guilty for having asked that in the first place. Yoongi sighed. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at people who keep spreading useless rumors like that."

Jungkook picked up the picture frame with the woman with the same smile as Yoongi. "Then who's this?"

"That's my mom."

"Is she away at work?"

"You could say that." Yoongi shrugged. "Will she be coming home tonight? Because I want to introduce myself to her," Jungkook suggested. "Sorry, kid, better luck next time." Yoongi took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and lighted it. He walked towards the window to open it and blow there. "Hyung you smoke?" Jungkook asked, a bit surprised. "Yeah, does it make you feel unsettled?"

"No it doesn't. I just didn't peg you to be a smoker that's all."

"Well, feel free to drop me as a friend if you don't feel comfortable with my antics," Yoongi said. Jungkook felt a bit pissed at how Yoongi said that with no care, it's like he didn't value the friendship that was just formed between them. He suddenly didn't feel like talking anymore. "Tired of asking questions now?" Yoongi asked as he grinded the cigarette butt on the ashtray. "You staying for dinner? I'm not a good cook, but I'll try cooking for you since I have to pay you back somehow."

"I remember that I had to go do something tonight, so if it's alright with you, I'll have to politely decline."

I'm trying to make some effort here. Yoongi thought, but instead he just said, "well if it can't be helped."

"I'm sorry hyung, maybe some other time." Yoongi just nodded and walked the younger to the door. Before Jungkook left, he turned around and said, "thank you, hyung, for agreeing to be my friend, I'm so happy."

"Yeah, uh.... Yeah," Yoongi stuttered as he couldn't be too honest and say 'me too,' so instead, he just patted Jungkook's head and bid him goodbye. As Yoongi closed the door, he turned his back to the door and wallowed in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Jungkook was at the other side of the door, slowly regretting his decision to not have dinner at Yoongi's home.

Hellooooo here's a new chapter for y'all and I hope you liked this one. While I was in the bathroom I was thinking about how this story will go about and I think it's pretty okay. I hope I don't forget what I thought about because I think it was a good enough storyline. Anyways, thank you all for reading! Bye~

Sydney ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

Notice Me, Senpai! (Yoonkook)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें