It Isn't Love, Just Friendship

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"Hey Jungkook, wanna go to a club tonight?" Taehyung asked, waving their fake IDs.

"Taehyung have you got nothing better to do, but party? Don't we have homework?" Jungkook asked as he scratched his head. In truth, he really didn't want to go out tonight because maybe he could find out more about Yoongi. Its not like he's some celebrity that all the information about him will be posted online, but at least just a little bit. His curiosity can kill him like a bitch most of the time.

"Eh, come on Jungkook, it's a Friday, it's time to let loose y'know," Taehyung said, placing an arm around Jungkook's shoulder. "Plus, we're going to the night club Yoongi's working in today." Taehyung nudged my arm. This made me stop in my tracks.

"Ow! What'd you do that for?" Taehyung complained when Jimin just hit his head.

"Don't encourage him! I told him not to get involved with Yoongi that much and you just go give him a chance to get closer to him for god's sake," Jimin lectured.

"Well, what can we do? If he's in love with Yoongi he could just go for it. It's not like we're his parents."

"I'm not in love though."

"But we're his friends, we're supposed to help him not fulfill a death wish at this early age."

"Geez, can you guys stop arguing, you're just like a married couple. Do you guys wanna replace my parents?" Jungkook asked, a bit irritated with their bickering. "And I've decided that I'll be going tonight."

"See, you can't overpower the love, jagi." Taehyung made a kiss sound towards Jimin and he just scrunched his face up. Jimin just shook his head and sighed. "I told you I'm not in love. I just want to be friends," Jungkook said. "Alright Jungkook if that's what you want, but if you get beat up because he got annoyed at you, be my guest. Don't tell me I didn't tell you so."

"How did you even know that he'll work there today? Its not like you know his work schedule, right?" Jungkook can't help but ask.

"Well, I'm often there on Fridays, I see Yoongi a lot around. He's either a bartender or a server for the night," Taehyung informed. "Alright! Now let's go to my place for haute fashion."

"It's just a night out though? We can only wear casual clothes," Jungkook said, not really wanting to go all out.

"I'm not really looking for attention either, so Taehyung you're on your own," Jimin said, walking away with Jimin.

"Geez, you guys never agree with me." Taehyung pouted and just followed them.


After they finished dressing up, they all met up at Taehyung's house so they can be driven to the night club.

"For god's sake Taehyung, button up your shirt. You'll attract unwanted attention," Jimin said.

"Did you always sound like a mom, Jimin?" Jungkook commented.

"Its style, my dear Jimin. And of course I want attention. I can get all the girls I want... or boys." Taehyung stuck his tongue out. "Are you jealous that I'm so hot?"

"No, I'm not. I could say that I'm hot enough myself. I couldn't care less if you rake in either girls or boys," Jimin scoffed, and turned around facing the window. The three of them just sat in silence, and Jungkook having to be in the middle of the two arguing boys, is feeling more awkward than ever. Seriously, I don't believe that these two aren't already in a relationship.

After a few minutes, they have arrived at their destination and got out of the van. "Alright, let's go look for your boy," Taehyung told me. Jungkook nodded and he walked up to the bouncer, but really he didn't need an ID anymore since he came to this place often enough for the bouncer to remember him. They made small talk.

"Your friends?"

"Yep! How's your girl?" Taehyung asked, punching the bouncer playfully.

"She's fine. Alright you guys can go in," the bouncer said, smiling at Taehyung. Taehyung patted his shoulder and the three boys walked in the night club. The darkness, loud music, sweat and the smell of sex embodied the club.

"Let's go to the bar first to see if Yoongi's on the job," Taehyung suggested. Jungkook nodded and the three made their way to the bar. Jungkook looked around the bar and Yoongi wasn't to be found. "I guess he's not here," Jimin sais looking around the bar as well.

"I'll go order drinks, Jungkook what do you want?" Taehyung asked.

"Uhm, nothing, I'll just go look for Yoongi," Jungkook said without even waiting for a reply while diving into the crowd. How hard can it be to find Yoongi in this club, right? Jungkook thought to himself staying positive. Jungkook tried from one corner to another, but he still couldn't find it. I swear to god that if I don't find Yoongi here, I'll kill Taehyung. Jungkook settled down a bit since he was getring tired from searching all around.

Jungkook just watched people dance, drink, and make out, causing him to want to bleach his eyes out. "Goddamn where is Yoongi?" Jungkook grumbled to himself. As he sat there by himself, a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere and now was sitting beside him.

"Hey gorgeous," the girl said, and seductively licked his ear, giving Jungkook bad shivers. "Sorry, but I have no interest in you," Jungkook outrightly said since he didn't know this person. He immediately rushed away from the place he was just in and started looking for Yoongi again. He now went up the second floor, and it was definitely easier to look for Yoongi up on the second floor. As he was focused on looking for Yoongi, he began being flocked by girls, which in turn he shooed them all away.

He suddenly got lucky when he saw Yoongi walking around the first floor. He immediately ran down the stairs and towards Yoongi.

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