Ride 3: Psyqualia

99 9 24

Shouri was at the park, sitting in a bench. He sighed.
"Ever since I've gotten Psyqualia, I've won every match possible... Darien and Nakuru leave me alone for the most part and life is slowly returning to normal."
"It makes life boring. I hate it." Shouri sighed. "Having no obstacle to try and overcome makes my life normal. Again."
"But isn't that what you want?"
"I can't tell what's better, a snooze fest or depressed thoughts." He mumbled.
"Snooze fest?"
"You just like sleeping..." Shouri sighed as his head rang slightly. A soft throbbing was in his temples, but it didn't hurt. Rather, it sensed something.
"Do you feel that, Shouri?"
"Yeah. Someone with Psyqualia's in our range." He smirked.
"You figured that out, relatively fast."
"It's kinda obvious." Shouri replied as he stood up and dug his hands into his pockets. "Let's go after this guy or girl. Maybe they'll put up a challenge."

(Insert Opening here)

Shouri walked forward, stepping on fresh wet grass.
"Where are they..." He mumbled as he looked around, the throbbing feeling getting stronger as he got closer. Today was a beautiful spring day, the sun beating down on everyone as it was warm. The air was crisp and the smells of the park were strong, the grass especially. Shouri looked around and found someone walking down the gravel road in the park, messy silver hair and blue eyes could be seen. What stood out most was the contrast of colours; whiter sweater and dark blue jeans. He had white sneakers as he continued to walk. As Shouri got closer to the boy, the throbbing intensified greatly.
"Is that him?" Shouri pondered.
"Chances are it is. Go get him!" Dead End commanded. Shouri stared the boy in the eye, the boy raising a brow at the stern look. A flash of colours were in Shouri's eye as the boy stopped suddenly, and was chained down to his spot.
"What in the-?!" The boy shouted, surprised at what happened. Shouri stepped forward and put his hand on the boy's shoulder, the throbbing intensifying greatly.
"You. Do you have Psyqualia?"
"Ayo, he's a threat, try to run!!" A voice called out, Shouri able to hear it.
"Oh, Gurguit." Dead End smirked.
"Huh?! Who are you, and how do you know my name!" Gurguit shouted back, surprised.
"Whose the fourth voice?" The boy asked, confused.
"Should be asking you that." Shouri said. "I'm Shouri Sakini, user of the Forbidden Chains, and a user of Neo Psyqualia."
"Ayo Hasegawa, user of Gurguit and I have Psyqualia too... How did you find me?" Ayo asked.
"That throbbing I felt must've signalled another Psyqualia user was near." Shouri deducted.
"Oh? I didn't feel any throbbing, however." Ayo replied.
"Maybe it's a Neo Psyqualia thing... Say, do you have an additional power alongside your normal Psyqualia?" Ayo shook his head no. "I see... So it's only Neo Psyqualia users that can sense other users. How peculiar..."
"Wanna cardfight? I really want to see what those Forbidden Chains are about."
"I don't see why not... And let's agree not to use our Psyqualia, for this match."
"Alrighty, fine then. It'd just be a trigger fest if it was." Ayo giggled.
"Let's set up." Shouri said.

"Stand up, the, vanguard!" The two boys shouted.
"Promising Arbiter, Rygart!" Shouri exclaimed.
"Knight of Early Dawn, Coel!" Ayo declared.
"Let me take the first move. I draw and ride Shima. Rygart moves and I end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, I ride Gorboduc and move Coel. Attack! (7000 > 12000)" Ayo declared.
"No guard."
"Drive check. (Knight of Daylight, Kinarius)"
"Damage check. (Attack-proof Chain Dancer, Hina)"
"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

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