Ride 2: Chains

135 9 28

"Let us go, Shouri Sakini!!" A dragon with black, scaled skin and large, silver wings appeared in a flash of grey clouds which brooded the sky. Amber eyes looked at his opponents, and he roared viciously at them, a clear, crystal like vanguard circle appearing above his head and spinning wildly.

 Amber eyes looked at his opponents, and he roared viciously at them, a clear, crystal like vanguard circle appearing above his head and spinning wildly

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"Now, I discard a card with Grade 3 to the drop zone..." Shouri smirked as he grabbed a white backed card in the G Zone, fanning it in the air, before revealing it. "Generation, stride."

Shouri:Hand: 6Damage: 4XXOXXO

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Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 4
Damage: 2
Soul: 9

(Opening here)

"I stride, Dark Forbidden Chain, Seal Keeper!" The vanguard circle expanded a clear crystal, a slight rainbow shimmer on the circle.
"Ooh, fancy." Rikishi said.
"Stride skill. Pull and bind the opponent, I counterblast one and bind face up Shima. Your vanguard loses 5000 power!" Shouri declared.
"W-what?!" Rikishi exclaimed, his vanguard power lowered. (11000 > 6000)

Glanzend was tied up by silver chains, tugging at him and restricting him. Seal Keeper, a large black scaled dragon with bronze highlights, tied the chain around him ferociously as Shima, a young male with white hair and pink eyes, shot his white chain forward, grabbing onto Glanzend aswell, and wrapping it around his head.

"Skill of Shima. I soulblast one, and your vanguard loses another 5000." Shouri smirked.
"Holy crap... (6000 > 1000)" Rikishi was in shock.
"Now, I also use Seal Keeper's skill. I counterblast one and bind Forbidden. You lose another 5000 power."
"... (1000 > -4000) I'm on negative numbers...?!"
"At the cost of two counterblasts, one soul and two of my rear-guards... Seems fair. I call, Cheney. Skill, I soulblast once more and bind face up Rygart. Your vanguard loses another 3000 power and your rear-guard loses 3000 aswell. (-4000 > -7000) (9000 > 6000) Now, with my three cards in bind zone achieved, Cheney gets 2000 power. (9000 > 11000) Cheney, attack! (11000)" Shouri declared.
"I don't care how many resources you burnt, you brought my Vanguard down to -7k!! I only have four hand cards!!" Rikishi shouted.
"Three cards, quit your whining, you have two damage." Shouri sweatdropped.
"Still, that's... That's dumb!! I no guard! (Dark Knight of Nightmareland) Oh thank the lord, a critical! Power to vanguard! (-7000 > -2000)"
"Tch, that can't save you from Seal Keeper!! (26000)" Shouri smirked.
"I don't guard!!" Rikishi replied.
"Triple drive!!" Shouri declared. At that moment, a faint glimmer was in his eyes, as the deck seamlessly bent to his will. "This is what you need, right?" Dead End asked as Shouri nodded. (Forbidden Keeper, Moving Golem, Defence-proof Chain Dancer, Misa, Arbiter of Revival Chains, Efil)
"Two triggers, a stand and a heal." Shouri smirked. "Standing Cheney and putting all effects to him. Healing one. (11000 > 21000)/[< ] > [^]) Now, attack again! (21000)"
"Damage check... (Doppel Vampir) And I'll shut you down with a G Guard!! Agrat bat Mahlat! Skill, I soulcharge two and she gains 5k shield since I have more than six cards in soul! (Scharhrot Vampir, Flying Librarian) (-2000 > 18000) And I'll add Dimension Creeper! (18000 > 23000)"
"Impressive. Turn end. The three cards bound return to my hand." Shouri said.

Cardfight!! Vanguard G: The Forbidden ChainsWhere stories live. Discover now