"But...I thought you'd love me." You saw the pain in his brown eyes, but his face was a mask. There was no feeling seen. "I do, Y/N. But it wouldn't work. And now...I beg you to leave." Elijah turned around and left the bedroom without even looking back at you.

You stood there watching him leave and you felt your heart breaking into a million pieces. How could this be? How could he just let leave you? You have had such a wonderful night just some hours ago and now everything you and Elijah had should be wasted?

There was no way you could hold back your tears now. You let them stream down your face while you hurried to get dressed and grab all your stuff. Elijah was stubborn. You wouldn't be able to change his mind right now, so you decided to do what he asked you to: Leaving.


"In all these thousand years you've been living, you still haven't learned about love, Elijah. I hope you know that you're an idiot." Freya was sitting on the couch in the living room and watched her brother walking back and forth through the whole room. It had been five days since the breakup and Elijah started to regret his decision although he still thought that it would be better for you.

"Thanks for reminding me of that, Freya", he growled without looking at her. "I did it because I want to protect her! You know how it can end for everyone who's with us!", Elijah tried to justify his decision. But Freya just shook her head. "That's no excuse and you know that", she calmly said.

With a deep sigh, Elijah let himself sink on the couch too and buried his face in his hands. A groan came from his lips. "I love her, Freya. I really do. And it kills me that she might be in danger when she's with me. I'd rather see her with another man and she's safe than when she's with me and in constant danger."

Freya put a hand on Elijah's shoulder and gently squeezed it. "She loves you and she wants to be with you. Do you really think she cares if she's in danger as long as she can be with you?" She gave him an encouraging smile.

"Maybe", Elijah murmured eventually. "But I can't show up at her apartment now and beg her to come back. I'll just...wait. Maybe she thinks that our breakup is for the better."


Five days you had spent inside your apartment. The moment Elijah had broken up with you had hurt you more than you would have ever guessed. And you incredibly missed him. You had cried your eyes out for days and you just felt exhausted and numb by now. But something inside of you was anxious. You couldn't just accept that Elijah didn't want to be with you anymore. You knew that he loved you and that he wanted to protect you.

You didn't care about being in danger as long as you could be with him. You were an adult, you could take care of yourself to some point. He didn't have the right to decide for you.

Feeling all better today, you planned on visiting the Mikaelson compound today. You needed to talk to him again. You didn't want to be with the man you loved.

Freya opened the door for you and with a smile, she let you in. "Elijah's upstairs", she simply said and watched you going up the stairs. You found him in the living room all alone, a glass of Whiskey in his hands. "It's only afternoon and you're already drinking?", you asked as you slowly stepped into the room.

Elijah turned around, a surprised expression on his face. "Y/N...what are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I'm not just giving you up like this", you said and to your surprise, you sounded confident. You weren't nervous anymore; you just wanted to make clear what you felt and how important Elijah was for you.

"Y/N, please...", Elijah begged, but you overheard him. Instead, you took his hands and dragged him to the couch with you.

"No, you'll listen to me right now", you started after you both had sat down. "I love you, Elijah Mikaelson. And I'm totally aware of the danger this love puts me in. Believe me, I have thought about that a lot of times, especially during those last five days." You slightly smiled at him. He just stared at you, waiting for you to continue.

"I know that you think breaking up with me would be the best solution. But it isn't. We love each other and breaking up wouldn't help us. We need to face what's coming in the future and if being with you means being in danger, then that's how it is." You shrugged. When Elijah opened his mouth to protest, you put a finger on his lips.

"Shhh. I know what you want to say. That you couldn't bear watching me being in danger. But...I have to see you in danger too, Elijah. I know your life isn't easy. But...please don't cut me out of it. I don't want to live my life without you anymore." You put a hand on his cheek and felt him slightly leaning into your touch. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he looked at you again, you could see that something changed. "Freya has already told me what an idiot I am to let you go", he then smirked and you couldn't hold back a laugh.

"I'm strong enough to handle all of this somehow, Elijah", you quietly said and scooted closer to him. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you on his legs. "I should have known before. I'm so sorry, Y/N", he whispered against your lips before he sealed them with a long, hungry kiss. 

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