Chapter 17: How do I become Miss Akirah?

Start from the beginning

I thanked Allah for everything. I thanked Allah for making me a Muslim. I thanked Him for making me understand before it got too late. I thanked Him for giving me a beautiful family. I thanked Him for my health. I thanked Him for always having food to eat, clothes to wear and bed to sleep on. I thanked Him for  Muklis' repentance. I thanked Him for having Uncle Nour in my life. I thanked Him for everything I could think of. I realized Allah's blessings on me, how ungrateful was I that I didn't use to thank him.

When I finished, Uncle Nour was sitting on my couch, his face still beaming with happiness. I hadn't seen him this happy in a really long time. You know that feeling you get by making people happy. Or that feeling you get when you see your loved ones happy. You feel on top of the world. That was how I felt too.

"So what should we start with?" he asked smiling brightly. I shook my head indicating I didn't know.

"I have been studying you and I think I know what you are good at and what you are not,"

" Astagfirullah, I don't think I am good at anything deen wise. I know I am good at make up, snapping pictures, singing and dancing. All these things but nothing in Islam. I have wasted a lot of time," I stated almost tearing up.

" It is never too late to change and you are actually good at something that is very good in Islam,"

"And that's ..."I asked with raised eyebrows wiping my tears.

'Pleasing parents."

"Pleasing parents," I started with a laugh.

"Puffffff, you know if Mama knows the real me or what I do outside this house by now I WILL BE DEAD,"

"But at least she is proud of who she thinks you are and you don't say any bad word to her. Do you know that some teenagers of this generation, a'uzubillah, fight and exchange words with their parents. And you are also Baba's favourite. Do you know what it means for your parents to be pleased with you? Only Allah knows the reward. Do you know what's next to obeying Allah and not putting partners in worship with him. It is pleasing the parents. In numerous ayas of the Qur'an. Allah says,

"Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents....., "(4:36)

"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour."(17:23).

He read the ayas in his melodious voice and translated them to me.

"Well apart from that there is nothing else I do that's good," I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Well there is. There's a lot more like the fact that you don't gossip at all and hate hearing others doing that,"

"I just hate it when people say something bad behind other's back,"

"Well, do you know how bad slander and backbiting is? There's even a whole surah on that where Allah says "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter(104:1),"

"Wow," I said. How come I didn't know all this? Maybe because I never paid attention in the IRS class.

"And you also have a very kind heart. You are nice and friendly to many people. You like smiling. Do you know smiling is sunnah? You like saying good things to people. Do you know they are many ayas in the holy Qur'an that says,

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