OHH: Chapter 2

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Chapter two


I couldn't speak, or even look, at my parents that night. All I saw were test tubes..or even androids. Like the ones that roam the street and scan huge mounds of garbage or rubble. No one knows why they're there. They just kinda are. But they don't cause any harm. That is..if you don't mess with them. The robots are the ones you need to be careful with. They scan everything that moves. Even though there's no law, if something is harmful or suspicious, they'll kill you in a second. Either with their eyes, that burn off your flesh instantly or they shoot you with their "hands." Sometimes if you're lucky, an android might save your life by getting in the way of your fate with the armed robot.

When I walked into the house, mom smiled at me from the living room couch. I smiled back and averted my eyes, I hope she didn't notice.

"Heeeeyyy tiger!," dad ambushed me and chuckled. "How's my boy today, eh?"

I laughed, "average, I guess." I held my arm and quickly looked at my dad. "I'm just gonna..ya know..stay in my room for a while."

"How come, hunny?" Mom asked, tilting her head in confusion. I just made up a random excuse and ran back upstairs. I couldn't even focus on my homework, or sleep. The same questions ran through my head.

Did I just speak to the creator..? Am I not human? Are my parents human? Did they find me somewhere...like in the rubble...? Am I an experiment my self?

Are my parents..?

These couldn't be true. Wouldn't the creator have found us by now? And I dunno..wouldn't I kinda remember being birthed or something. Besides, if my parents were experiments then they probably would still be in his lab. And maybe I wouldn't've been born! See? Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all...


Like any normal school day, I rode my skateboard to school. It hovered right above the ground and moves smoothly, unlike other models that can rise at any height and move at any speed. I always despised the kids that had these. C'mon let's be honest, those shits sound cool.

But unlike any other school day, the unimaginable happened. As I rode along to school, an android scanned a small pile of rubble and a neon ring around its head glowed a bright red. I've never seen that before, so I ducked into a large pile of random shit and looked around at the android that was observing the rubble.

Suddenly, the android plucked out a thing. It was a weird thing. It looked human, but it was small. Abnormally small. But it looked like it was my age in its facial features. It looked like male too. And he looked as if he was a part of some nationality. But something about him seemed so different and strange. The android took the guy/human/thing to a robot and the robots' eyes flashed red and words appeared on them,


And the next thing I knew, the robots' arm raised and a gun came out...and the guy/human/thing didn't make a sound.

And that was the end of the poor soul..

Nearly gagging (or even crying but I hate crying), I picked up my skateboard and ran to school. That moment never escaped my memory...ever.

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