Chapter 10: Summoning the Glacian

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Oh sure, don't worry. I'll be meeting you anyway. Let's just argue about that when we meet.

Tell me who are you?! You know you've been here inside my head when I got into this crazy game!

Ugh, man I think I really should get you back to the main game.

Wait what are you talking about? You waited. The voice didn't answer again. It was so unfair.

You closed your eyes and sighed.

All of a sudden your stomach went upside down, your mind full of things you couldn't handle. Sweat trickled down your neck. You opened my eyes, seeing Lightning tied up with ropes. "Lightning!" You said as You ran towards her. But something's wrong, an invisible wall blocked you from her. You punched and punched, until all you could feel was pain on your fists.

"(Y/N). Help me get out of here!" She shouted at once and looked down. You summoned fire and threw it at the wall but it was no use. The wall just seemed to melt and go back to normal again. "Don't worry Lightning! I'll get you out of here!" You shouted as you looked around.

"No (Y/N)! Nothing would work! I knew it, you'll die! It's all hopeless!" She said. You shook your head, trying to be calm. "It's alright. We'll survive this." You panted as you pressed your hands against the wall.

You closed your eyes.

"(Y/N)!" Someone shouted from behind. You opened your eyes and turned around to see Noel and Yeul, held captive by another daemon. An octopus-like daemon. "Dang it. What is wrong with daemons right now?" You gritted as you summoned your sword. "COME HERE!" You shouted as you ran towards it. The daemon shrieked and let go of Noel and Yeul.

You raised your sword high and cut off a tentacle. It shrieked and hit you with another tentacle, sending you back to the ground. You groaned and stood up, running towards it once more. You summoned fire throwing it towards the daemon. It wailed, its tentacles burning. You covered your ears, its wail seemed to break your eardrums.

You turned around to see Noel and Yeul untying the ropes. "Thank you," she nodded towards you. You nodded back in return. "Let's go." The four of you ran across the desert like field. The sun was now rising, colors of yellow, orange and blue mixed within the horizon.

"So where do we go now?" You stopped by an oasis.

"We go towards the sun," Yeul answered, watching the sun rise. "It has to be someone who will let us pass the gates of the sun. But it will be hard. We already passed that three times."

"Don't worry, it will be easy," Lightning said. "I'll fly and take Yeul with me. (Y/N)? Can you fly?"

You cleared your throat. "I... I really don't know if I can," you said. Lightning sighed. "So how do we get there?" Noel asked. "You can't carry us three."

A sound came out of nowhere. You looked up at the skies to see a dragon flying down towards you. Lightning pulled out her sword. "Wait— it's not gonna hurt us," you said as you blocked her. "And how are you sure about that?" She asked. The dragon landed on its feet, the sand exploding within the air. It growled deeply.

You slowly walked towards it, and then finally holding its face. "Where are you from?" You asked. It raised its wings, "I came to you. You called me, Healer." He spoke. "I am one of Bahamut's warriors. The Draconian has sent me to you."

You stared curiously at the dragon. "Healer?"

"Why yes. It is you."

"We must not waste time talking," Noel said. You turned around. "(Y/N), ask the dragon if he can take us towards the sun."

You nodded. "Can you take us there?"

The dragon bowed his head, "Indeed." The four of you climbed until you sat on its back. The dragon raised its wings high and flew, towards the sun.


"Light, come forth to us. Send me a sign about The Healer. Astrals, I beg you— give her the power to summon you." Lunafreya chanted. Noctis stared at her as she slowly opened her eyes. "I may not be that powerful to commune. But it is now done. (Y/N) could summon the Astrals," she stopped. "Therefore she could summon Ifrit."

Noctis widened his eyes. "Are you sure? This is not good. Ifrit is the Betrayer."

"Through my prayers I felt she could also summon Ifrit. Yet we're not sure. If she does, I'm afraid she could be used."

"Used? Used for what?" Cloud suddenly asked suspiciously. Luna sighed, "It could be someone evil. This is not good. But we're still not sure. Don't worry."

"Oh (Y/N), I'm too nervous. I hope nothing would happen," Tifa said.

"Lady Lunafreya, do you feel something evil not only in Eos?" Vincent asked in surprise. The others looked at him. "What do you mean Vincent?" Cloud asked. "Are you saying something evil from another world has been allies with someone evil in this world?"

"That's it," Luna stood up. "Someone from the past may come back, and will be allies with the present."

Noctis turned to Cloud. "Cloud, have you fought the most evil in Gaia?"

"Well," Cloud breathed deeply. "Jenova and Sephiroth. But they're dead. I know they are. We've defeated them."

"But what if they're still alive," Noctis said.

Tifa cleared her throat. "This isn't good."

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