Mikayuu-Cliché (Kinda smut? Idk)

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Yuu pov-
I'm here at Shinoa's party, that I didn't even want to come to, and I don't exactly know why. It was probably because she said that Mika was going to be here. Oh Mika. Mikeala, Mika for short, was my freshman crush that I was absolutely in love with. I never got to talk to him because I thought he was straight and well I may act cool, but really, he's way cooler than me. He moved away during the summer but he's back for his junior year. Lucky me, I guess.
"Oh hey, Yuu! Glad you could make it! We're about to play some games, you wanna play?" Shinoa asked, obviously a bit tipsy. "Yeah sure!" I said loudly, using a lot of unneeded enthusiasm. I followed her to the living room. There was about 5 or six people sitting around a table with a bottle. Oh great. "So! Spin the bottle combined with 7 minutes in heaven! Woo". I didn't really know what I expected but I hoped it wasn't this. I looked around nervously and oh my god. There he is. As gorgeous as ever, with his blonde hair, and his light blue eyes. I could stare forever. My staring was interrupted when a guy, I'm assuming is a senior, yelled at Mika.
"So Mika. Come on and play! You know there's someone here that you'd love to make out with!". He looked to the side. "I'll play but not because Ferid loudly announced that I want to kiss someone in this group", Mika said. What if it's me? Yuu, snap out of it. There's no way it's me! Mika sat down and the bottle spun. First it landed on Shinoa. Then it landed on some blonde chick. "Ok lesbians, please make your way to closet number one, and we'll keep going", someone said, as Shinoa and the girl left and quickly entered the closet. "Your turn, Mika!" Ferid yelled. Mika sighed and spun the bottle. It seemed like it spun forever but then it stopped... aiming at me. There was a lot of "oooooo" comments and I have never blushed so hard. Mika got up and put his hand in my direction. "Lets go" he said. I was almost too focused on his such delicate yet sexy looks to accept it, but I did. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up but he never let go of my hand, even when we walked to the closet. We walked in, and shut the door.
"If you don't want to..." I was saying when he cut me off with his arms around my waist. "I want to, Yuichiro", he said. My heart skipped a beat, as his lips collapsed into mine. I was so surprised, but I quickly kissed back. I can't believe this is happening.  "Mmm.." I whispered, and Mika smirked. He started kissing my neck but then, he unexpectedly bit. That felt...good? He kept biting and sucking and it felt so good. If I didn't know better I'd guess he was a vampire, ha. "Mika...", I moaned. "Yes, Yuu?" He asked, stopping from his intense kisses. "Our seven minutes is almost over", I said, looking down. He grabbed my hand, and looked into my eyes. "Doesn't mean we can't do this more often", he said, smiling. "What?" I asked, a little shocked. "Will you be my boyfriend,  Yuichiro?" Mika asked, and I squealed a bit. "Yes I would", I responded. "In that case, lets go back to my place", he said, opening the door, with my hand in his.

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