welcoming theodore

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RJ and Hailey fill up the birthing pool with warm water while Will groans through the contractions.

RJ helps Will into the birthing pool. Will feels instantly relaxed when he feels the warm water against his body. "Are you okay?" RJ asks Will as he vlogs him.

"Mhm. The water feels nice." Will says as he has an intense contraction.

"Deep breaths. Deep breaths." RJ says as he rubs Will's shoulder.

RJ changes into swim trunks and gets ready to get in the pool with Will. Will wants RJ with him at all times. Will leans on the tub as RJ gets in the pool. RJ rubs circles into the lower part of Will's back.

"Uhh my God. This is intense." Will says as he takes deep breaths.

"You are doing incredible, babe. You can do it." RJ says tenderly into Will's ear.

Will moans as RJ kisses his cheek. Will then groans loudly as RJ holds Will's hand. Will squeezes RJ's hand.

"Are you feeling urges to push?" Hailey asks softly to Will and Will nods.

"Just get comfortable and whenever you need to push just push." Hailey says as Will moans as he gets in a comfortable position. RJ is next to Will, helping hold his leg back.

Will begins to feel strong urges to push he begins to push and doesn't stop. "You need to breathe, Will." RJ says as Will moans loudly.

"He's fine, he's having strong urges to push. Just listen to you body, Will." Hailey says softly as she watches Will push.

Will begins to push hard again. "That's it, Will. That's it. You got it." Hailey says as she shines a flashlight in the water and sees the baby's head. RJ looks and smiles, seeing his son being born.

"Ow! Fuck!" Will says as he pushes Theodore head out. "Good job, Will. Just breathe." Hailey says as Will takes a few breaths.

She checks for the cord, which isn't wrapped around Theodore's neck.

"Good job, baby. Good job!" RJ says as he watches Theodore being born in front of him.

RJ is amazed at Will's strength. "Holy crap! Ow!" Will says as he pushes again.

Will groans loudly as he pushes Theodore's shoulders. "Easy, Will. Go easy." Hailey says.

"Shit!" Will says as he catches his breath. Will goes back to pushing and pushes Theodore out.

RJ and Hailey grab Theodore and put him on Will's chest. Theodore begins to cry loudly.

"Holy fuck! Oh my God. Oh my God. Hi, Theodore. Hi buddy." Will says as he looks at RJ and then baby Theodore.

"9:28 am he was born!" Hailey says as she covers Theodore with a towel to keep him warm.

"You did freaking awesome, babe!" RJ says as he kisses Will. Will catches his breath as he looks at Theodore looking around at his new surroundings.

"I never had a birth this fast before! You did incredible, Will!" Hailey says as she rubs Theodore's back, making him cry again.

"Our daughter was born fast too. In our bathroom!" RJ says as he laughs loudly. Will looks at Theodore and kisses his head. RJ also kisses Theodore's head.

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