191 (Third book?)

167 12 11

Sting: Hey, Author-chan. Can we get some ice-cream too?

Author-chan and Future Rogue: No.

Future Rogue: If you would be awake yesterday, maybe.

Author-chan: Hehe. *makes high five with Future Rogue*

Sting: Ow, really? *smirks* Author-chan, I heard that you end up this book tomorrow.

Author-chan: I do?

Rogue: *facepalms*

Sting: Yea, you do know that, book can have maximally two hundreds chapters?

Author-chan: Ow, wait..tomorrow?! I can't do this!! There is too much photos and things in my head left. *eats more ice-cream*

Rogue: Still, you can do a third one. 

Author-chan: *eating ice-cream from pack* I can, but will I do?

Boys: *looks at her*

Author-chan: What?

Sting: Author-chan, that would be the biggest mistake for you if you would stop Stingue Book on second one. We do need a trilogy!!

Author-chan: But who will be reading this?

Boys: We?

Author-chan: *sighs* I don't know.

Sting: Author-chan....we...Rogue help!!

Rogue: Look, how huge progress you made with Stingue Books. Yours English is good now.

Author-chan: Well...hehe..

Rogue: Don't lie. 

Author-chan: Ok, ok! It's a lot of better then before.

Sting: And think about all of yours classmates, who can't be like you.

Author-chan: Sting, I'm good but not the best. Yea, they are impressed, that I can read English books, which I think is easy. Well.... I need to think about third Stingue's Book.

Sting: Yes!! *hugs Rogue*

Author-chan: But...

Boys: What?

Author-chan: *smirks* Never mind. I forgot.

Sting: Are you sure, that you have sixteen years on your's back?

Author-chan: In this December, seventeen!!

Rogue: Yea, whatever.

Author-chan:  Yep, wait... I'm almost an adult...Oh shit...I'm that old? Wow..

Sting: But stupid like always.

Author-chan: Ach!!! Ok, I won't do third book, thanks to Sting.

Rogue: Hey.. you said.

Author-chan: It's my last word about it...no.

And about that photo...

For me: Oh..hell..yes!! so cute and hot!!/10

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