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Author-chan: Now everyone is happy.

Sting: I din't know that you like my smile, Rogue. *blushing*

Rogue: Yeah..... you are right. *blushing*

Author-chan: Oooo..... how cute.

Sting: Do you want Author-chan starts again our bet?

Author-chan: Shut up. Not this again.

Rogue: What we gonna do now?

Author-chan: You two can have sex. *smirks*

Rogue and Sting: PERVERT!! 

Author-chan: WHAT?!!!!!! I'm not a pervert, Sting is the one.

Rogue: O.. true.

Sting: What was that suppose to mean? 

Rogue and Author-chan: That YOU are a pervert.

Sting: Author-chan is a pervert.

Rogue: You.

Sting: Author-chan.

Author-chan: Sting.

Sting: Rogue.

Rogue: Sting.

Author-chan: Me........

Trio: Wait...WHAT?!

Author-chan: Doesn't matter now.

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