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Boys: *looks at her*

Sting: I know, that she wasn't normal. *sighs*

Rogue: *stands next to her* What happened?

Author-chan: *laughing* Look...hahahah....on....hahaha...laptop.

Sting: *does it* BHHAHHAHAHHHAHHAA *haves tears in eyes* THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! BHAHAHHHAHA *joins her on the floor*

Rogue: *looks at laptop*

Rogue: *looks at laptop*

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Rogue: *looks at them* HA-HA!!! Very funny! That was the scariest and creepiest moment in my life

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Rogue: *looks at them* HA-HA!!! Very funny! That was the scariest and creepiest moment in my life.  And you are making a fun of it!! *hmpm*

Sting: Sorry, love! But that was  funny.

Future Rogue: Yea? *stands in the door*

Sting: AAAAAAAAAA!!!! FUTURE ROGUE?! *hides behind Rogue*

Rogue: What are you doing here?!

Author-chan: *sits in her chair* I invited him.

Boys without Future Rogue: WHAT?!

Author-chan: Yes, I did.

Sting: But why?! After all this messes, what he did in Fairy Tail and here?!

Author-chan: Look. Future Rogue had a fucked life. His Frosch was killed and he lost everyone. I thought that we can give him a second chance. 

Boys: WHAT?!

Author-chan: No, whats here!! Look, future Rogue, still is in some kind, his old self. And I love him.

Boys: WHAT?!!

Author-chan: *puts her arm on future Rogue's  shoulder* That baster, killed future Lucy. He did one of the best things in all Fairy Tali.

Future Rogue: Well, I tried to kill the normal Lucy but her future self took my attack on herself.

Author-chan: Doesn't matter, after all he tried. Future Rogue also was a very good, scary, badass villain and he is the sexiest fusion of Sting and Rogue, that I ever saw. So, I thought about all of this and decided to make him my right hand. *smirks*

All three boys: YOU DID WHAT?!!!!!!!

Author-chan: If he would agree. Stay here and work with and for me or disappear. What will you choose? *looks at Future Rogue*

Future Rogue: Ok, I will stay.

Author-chan: *smirks* Great, welcome aboard!!!! Yours first job will be saying sorry to Sting and Rogue.

Future Rogue: Why?

Author-chan: You killed Sting? Yes. You kidnapped him? Yes. You attacked them? Maybe not but yours dragons did, so that is why.

Future Rogue: *heavy sighs* Ok. Sorry Sting. Sorry, Rogue. Happy now?

Author-chan: *smiles* Like, never before. *pets chibi Acnologia* 

Sting: *whispers to Rogue* First, Acnologia. Now, future you. Then who is next? Zeref?!

Rogue: I don't know.

Author-chan: Oh, Future Rogue. No killing here. Anyone or anything. Understood?

Future Rogue: *nobbs*

Author-chan: Good, about that art...

For me: nice one/10

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