We walked slowly through the doors of the Great Hall. It was huge! There were four long tables where the rest of the students were sitting, and staring at us. There was also a long table on the stage across the room. A bunch of older looking people sat there looking at us. They must have been the teachers at the place. The ceiling looked like it was the night sky. It was a beautiful black with stars dotted on it.

                “It’s bewitched,” a bushy haired girl whispered, “to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.”

                I sighed. These people! I had seen that book. It was so thick I could have used it as a stool if needed. If she read the whole thing this summer then I had to congratulate her, for she must be a major nerd.

                We were lead up to the stage where there was a small sitting stool with an old looking wizard hat on it. Looking around the room I saw everyone was staring at this hat. Us first years stood in front of the steps of the stage and stared at the lady that led us to possibly our doom.

                The hat, to my surprised, then opened its mouth (most hats don’t have those by the way) and sang a very long song that was about the different houses I think. I didn’t really listen to it. This was rather boring. I wonder if we had to see if we could clean the hat. Oh well, I guess I will find out soon enough. After the hat finished its song the students and teachers started applauding.

                “So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whispered. “I’ll kill Fred; he was going on about wrestling a troll.”

                “May I join?” Echo asked.

                “Of course,” Ron replied. “Don’t you always?”

                I raised an eyebrow at her, but she gave me a look that said I’ll-tell-you-later.

                Professor McGonagall stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment. “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Abbott, Hannah.”

                A girl with blood hair walked up onto the stool, set on the stool, and the professor put the hat on her. It fell over her eyes, and I sucked in some air to keep from laughing.

                “HUFFLEPUFF!” the hat shouted after a few seconds.

                The table on the right cheered as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. I scanned it and saw the faces of my brother and sister. Soon I would be over there. Maybe Hannah and I would be friends. Hopefully Echo and/or Alexia will be in my house.

                Professor McGonagall looked at the list and got ready to read the next name.

                “Azuki, Echo,” she read.

                “Ugh,” Echo moaned. “I hate the dumb A last name.”

                She went up and sat down on the stool. The hat was set on her head, and didn’t fall over her eyes like the last girl.

(Echo P.O.V)

                Why did my last name have to start with an A? I always was first. I walked up and sat on the stool. Looking out at the crowd of students, I immediately saw Fred and George. That was probably because they were waving their hands over their heads though. They were such dorks.

My Best Friend George Weasley ~ Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now