Fucking Jimin

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U akwake?

Jungkook heard the familiar buzz of his phone notification. He read the text and laughed to himself. Taehyung always had fucking typos.

Yeah. Can't sleep.

You playing Overwatch?

Nah. I'm laying in the bed.

I just did a Vlive. 19 million hearts bitch

Pshhh. That's nothing. I got the most so far. 65 million! He sent a meme of Tae screaming into a water bottle from one of his last Vlive shows. He laughed. He loved that fucking meme.

Don't use my meme against me you fuck


My Vlive is gonna beat yours. I already got that many and the show just ended like 5 mins ago

Jungkook sent him a meme of Yoongi frowning in disbelief. He giggled as he saw a picture image come through. It was Tae, giving him the finger.

He sent one back doing the same.


Jungkook smirked and texted back. LMAO Yeah right. You save all my selfies

True. I like rabbits

I'm deleting your Overwatch profile


Jungkook sent him two laughing emojis. LMFAO!

Tae sent him picture. It was of Jungkook leaned over the toilet. He had got drunk last week and threw up. Tae and Jimin had thought it would be a great idea to take a picture of him leaned over the toilet.

The caption of the picture said: Will post to Twitter if you touch my profile

Go ahead. ARMY will just think it's funny

Tae texted two laughing emojis. True. They love my drunk pics LOL

LOL true

I'm coming to your room


Kookie got up and went to the hotel door of his room. He opened it and started giggling as he watched Taehyung move down the hallway, stopping, and leaning back against the wall. He moved slowly, his back pressed against the wall like he was he in some horror movie and a monster was hiding in one of the rooms.

He would stop, crawl past the door, then get back up and slide against the wall with his back to it again. He looked at Jungkook with his eyes wide and full of fear. Jungkook started laughing as he watched Tae tiptoe a few steps, then stop and do it again at the next door.

Jungkook laughed harder. He was so fucking ridiculous.

Tae signaled for Jungkook to be quiet. Jungkook kept laughing. His face was so funny.

"Tae what are you doing?" he laughed.

"Shhhh" said Tae. "There's a Rap Monster loose in the hotel. Gotta watch out for him." he whispered. "Oh shit here he comes!' he teased and he started running toward Jungkook in slow motion, his eyes full of panic. Jungkook burst out laughing, he leaned over and held his ribs. What the fuck. Tae was ridiculous. He looked up and Taehyung did a full somersault into the door.

"Close the door! Hurry!" he yelled and he dashed behind the bed.

"Hahahaha!" laughed Jungkook. He shut the door. "What the fuck...Tae." he laughed.

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