ferris, cameron & sloane [1]

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You had to leave school early to visit your mum at her work because she needed you to pick something up, on the way you had happened to walk past Ferris Cameron and Sloane, 3 of your good friends, after you walked past you turned around to find th...

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You had to leave school early to visit your mum at her work because she needed you to pick something up, on the way you had happened to walk past Ferris Cameron and Sloane, 3 of your good friends, after you walked past you turned around to find the trio looking at you, they see you looking, so they look away and try to walk off in a cool manner, which leaves you behind laughing.


I know I keep saying this, but this is actually really bad, I really hope they get better.
Feel free to request anytime, I really don't know what to do.

You're still here? It's over. Go home. Go.

Just kidding😂



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