Chapter 107: Eyes Wide Open

Start from the beginning

Xaphile's jaw dropped and he covered his mouth, staring at the ground in stunned disbelief.

"Is that what you think he did?" Sinmir slowly asked. "You really think he seduced her?"

"Yes! That boy is nothing but trouble! Ever since I first found him, the stability holding everything together has begun to fall apart! He never should have left those woods!"

"You're a terrible man. Heartless... cruel. You don't deserve your place by his side. Or hers."


"I BELIEVE YOU HEARD ME!" Sinmir bellowed. "They are young, Octavius, but as I'm sure you are very much aware, they make their own choices! And if you are so blinded by your own ideals that you cannot see the good those kids are doing for each other, then you are no different than the tyrannical King who rules your forsaken, twisted, corrupt little country!" 

"How dare you?" Gus wheezed. "Comparing me to that... that monster!"

"I believe the comparison is accurate, Octavius," Sinmir chuckled. "Think about what you just said to me, and then tell me you aren't the same as him."

"In what way are we similar?!"

"For someone who relies on his eyes and ears for a living, you are inexcusably blind! You believe they shouldn't be around each other for their own benefit, as well as the benefit of everyone else, because they are all different from one another. Your King said the very same thing about interracial couples, did he not? And what did those ideals cause, hmm?"

A chilling silence filled the air.

"This... and that... are..."

"If you say that they're unrelated in nature," Sinmir quietly interrupted, "I will break your jaw, Gus. You are dense, that much is true, but you are most certainly not an idiot and I can see by the very look on your face that you have finally realized the similarities between your thoughts and his."

Dead silence filled the air.

"What did you hope to accomplish by talking to me?" Gus finally demanded. "Is it your desire to see me struggle with such things? Being compared to a ruthless murderer... you wound me."

"I merely wanted to find out the reason for your strange moods. The tenseness in you has been bothering everyone lately, and it has been worrying those who care for you. Now, tell me, what is it that is really troubling you? I know you have something you are not telling me."

"Fine," Gus hissed, voice coming out raspy. "Fine. I yield. If you must know, it is about... Phil and Ella. Their conversation about marriage. No matter what, it cannot happen."

"What? And why ever not?" Sinmir scoffed. "Surely you are still not holding his actions over his head!"

"Of course not! It was but an excuse to try and sway her!" Gus snapped. "She must not get close to that boy! It would place her in harm's way all over again!"

Xaphile had a bad feeling about where this was headed. He wanted to leave, to return to the lodge, but his legs felt frozen. He closed his eyes, remembering the night Vordt had told him he and Ella had been betrothed to each other on the same day of Chisago's demon attack. 

He had read the truth in the book earlier that day, but he hadn't wanted to think that it was real because if what the book said was the truth, being around him put everyone in danger.

The King was power-mad, and based on what he was hearing... Gus likely knew the whole story, too. Which made sense. He had, after all, known who Xaphile's father was, and his brother was, after all, the captain of the guard, who'd been there during the attack.

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