"No," I said without reconsidering his words.


"No. You're going to explain what the fuck happened and then you're going to drive me either back to my car or to my house," I said without hesitation.

"I can't," was all he answered.

"You can't what? Explain everything or drive me back home or to my car? You surely don't expect me to just go to your apartment. You basically called me and said that I'm not safe and that I-"

"Ok, ok, I'm going to drive you home. You should be safe there," he interrupted me.

"Why wasn't I safe at-" I was about to say 'Louis' but stopped myself in the last second, "my friend's?"

"They followed me and saw us talking at Starbucks. They recognized you." His eyes held a glint of danger.


"I can't tell you."

"Why do you always have so many questions?"
Was he serious? "Excuse me? You just-"

Harry stopped me before I even started my rant. "Ok, I get it. I can't tell you anything about it because it's not safe for you to know. Just trust me when I say that I do my best to keep you safe."

His words made me laugh. He turned around in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Why should I trust you?" I asked.

"Name one reason why you shouldn't," he fired back.

"I don't really know you," I said, a smug grin on my lips.

Harry sighed. "I can't tell you who they are, just that they followed you to your friend's apartment."

"Oh my gosh, is he safe?" I asked without thinking.

"Yes. They know that ... he has no connection to me," Harry assured me.

I let out a deep breath. At least I seemed to be the only one who was dragged into this mess.

Harry didn't say anything else and I didn't ask any more questions. He wouldn't have answered them anyway.

The silence in the car was killing me. I could hear the car's engine and other cars driving by. Although it was already dark outside, there was still the usual buzz of the city's evening in the air. People were walking outside, meeting friends, going on dates or going home. Many cars were on the streets but the traffic was smooth.

I watched people going on with their lives, oblivious of others around them. If you stepped back and watched life unfold in front of you, you were able to see the small pieces that made life. The moments that really counted.

After two minutes, I had enough of watching people and closed my eyes, my head against the pane.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, his voice softer than usually.

I nodded and opened my eyes to find him looking at me before returning his focus back on the street. He was a careful driver although he went a bit over the speed limit.

The change of plans forced me to think about how to get the car back. And what to tell my parents when they came home and found me in bed, the car not outside.

The only way to save my ass was to get up early in the morning, take the bus and get the car back before anyone noticed.

Hopefully Phoebe and Adrian would be occupied.

I stared at the boy that caused all these troubles. He still wore the same things as before. I noticed his eyes constantly flicking to the rear view mirrors as if he were afraid of being followed.

Lethal (Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant