My mind was fairly blank the whole walk to the classroom, not wanting to think about who will be my 'new' teammates, but all of the was shoved clear out of my mind when I opened the sliding door.

"What.. What that hell?" I said out loud when I realized that Naruto and Sasuke's lips were touching, like they were kissing. I stood there for a few seconds, shocked, before a thought ran through my mind.

'I really have the worst timing, and Naruto needs to rethink his standards a bit. Maybe go for a guy that actually likes him.'

I tried to calmly walk over to my desk as Sasuke and Naruto separated yelled, and began to both gag. But internally I couldn't help but laugh as most of the female population in the class tried to protect 'Sasuke-kun's' innocents from Naruto. I did think of going over to help him, but just looking at how the girls were acting made me not. I didn't feel like being killed via fan girl.

So instead of watching Naruto get shamelessly beat, I observed the rest of the class, noticing that at least a quarter of my 'classmates' were not here, and had not passed the first stage. Unfortunately. Ryoke was not, and he was sitting in the middle rows, flashing his headband like he was the only one how earned it.

The class was practically chaotic for a few more minutes before Iruka walked into the class with a clipboard. Everyone ran to their seats before Scarface could have know what was going on, and I saw that Naruto was looking a little worse for wear when he finally settled down in his seat with a few new bruises and bumps, but I knew Naruto would be okay

"Good morning class. You should all be very proud of yourselves right now. Starting today, all of you are real shinobis, but you are only genins, so the hard journey that lies ahead has just begun," Iruka started his little speech that all instructors said to the graduating class. "Now, you will soon be assigned missions to help out the village, so today we will create three man squads, but because of the uneven number of who had passed the exam, one squad will be assigned a fourth member. Each squad will have a jounin sensei, and all of you will follow your sensei's instructions in order to successfully complete your missions. And remember, when we assign you to a certain squad, it's to balance out the strength of the squad."

"What!?!" many people in the class cried out, obviously thinking that they themselves would be able to pick their teams, but now knew that the might be assigned to be with some people that they didn't like or was their friends.

"Oh settle down, you'll get used to your squad members over time. Now to start off. Squad one, Yakuna Yamura, Hikaru Nataga, and Maxmilian Clemens." The first three looked around and all nodded at the they new members, accepting who was picked.

"Squad two, Ryoke Kimisewa, Sawako Kajiwara, and Purdie Green," I frowned slightly when I saw Ryoke's smirk. 'Of course he would be the only guy...'

"Squad three, Alexina Monday, Utamara Hayuata, and Lev Atterberry," Utamara shouted out 'no' when he was placed with Alexina for some reason.

"Squad four, Eijiro Matsuzawa, Izumi Sasukria and Chikao Yone. Squad five, Keila Eccleston, Lisa Yone, Lazar Bone," The twins, Chikao and Lisa looked at each other and hugged.

"Squad six, Yoshitora Kawagichi, Kahori Miyoshi, Mako Hatakeda," it was a little odd that there was no reaction from any of the three after their name were called... Weird. It was a little unsettling that I had been not called out, nor had the four man squad been made.

"Okay... Next is squad 7. Haruno Sakura, Naruto Uzumaki-"

"YEAH!!" Naruto jumped up and yelled as Sakura slumped down.

"Sasuke Uchiha-"

"HELL YEAH!!" Sakura yelled out as Naruto's face hit the desk.

"And... Harmony Kakureta," I jumped up and accidentally made my hands slap my desk a little too forcefully.

Melody of Time -Naruto-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora