1x28 - The Big Finale.

Start from the beginning

Serena found a control panel, praying for a miracle, she pushed a button, hoping it would help her.


"What now..." Ash said cautious waiting within the seating area of the main stage.

"Pika!" Ash heard a cry say from behind him.

"Pikachu!" He said happily seeing his partner running behind him.

"Are you okay?" He asked his Pokemon.

"Pika, Pikachu Pika Pika Chuu!" He responded.

Soon the stage curtain opened, revealing a barren stage. Above on the catwalk he spotted Serena.

"Serena!" Ash called out to his friend.

"Ash! Thank goodness you are okay!" She called back to him.

"Serena can you find a way down?" Ash asked his friend.

"Oh. That won't be needed." A sinister voice spoke up. Taylor stood on the catwalk from where Serena had came.

"Serena run!" Ash yelled to her.

As she went to, the catwalk in front of her colasped to the floor below.

"Good job Oricorio." Taylor said.

"Corio." It replied.

"You know Serena. You worried me there. Yet here you are. You are fulfilling your role after all." Taylor said.

"And what's that?" She asked with fear apparent in her voice.

Taylor took his knife in his hand.

"The damsel in distress of course." He said coldly.

Serenas expression stiffened. Her emotions hard to read. Long ago she would be frozen in fear, begging for her life.

Not anymore.

Her expression turned serious, fear gone from her face and voice.

"I refuse Taylor. I won't be the one who needs saving. I will be my own hero!" She yelled rushing towards the young man.

"Serena!" Ash yelled in panic.

"You are foolish girl!" Taylor said readying an attack.

She saw this, there was no way to avoid his attack, but in that moment, full of adrenaline, she ran without hesitation.

She pushed pass Taylor, running towards the way she came, only for the platforms to drop to the ground in front of her once more.

"Serena!" Ash yelled in worry.

"Not so fast Serena. I'm not let you-" Taylor froze realizing his knife wasn't in his hand anymore. Then, both him and Serena realized it was now on the ground below them. She was able to knock it out of his hand as she pushed past him. However...

Serena winced in pain and held her hand against her arm to find her hand turning red. She wasn't able to disarm him without sacrifice.

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