1x26 - The Opening Act!

Start from the beginning

"Fine. What must I do?" Ash said his face turning serious.

"Very simple boy. All you have to do is follow the rules. You have a part to play in this performance, I refuse to have you mess it up. No one will have to get hurt today if you simply do what is asked." Taylor replied

"Fine. I'll play your game." Ash said confidently.

"I wouldn't call it a game. More of a test. Only I'm not offering extra credit. Would be a shame if you failed... Alright, first test is within the next room. The sooner these are done the sooner this can all be over." He spoke as the speaker went dead, Ash alone in silence once more.

Ash went slowly with caution towards the door. He had to save them. No matter what. Heading upstairs, Ash wondered into the one room with light.

Inside, were many different things on a table.

"This is very simple. Pick one. The right one. If you are wrong. Well, don't be." Taylor said with a laugh over the speakers.

On the table were many objects. A leaf, a glass of water, a lit candle, a battery, dirt, and a rock.

"How would I know the answer? What's the question?!" Ash said in worry.

"Oh. You will know." Was the response.

Ash looked at the objects with deep thought. Just what was the give away.
There wasn't one.
This was hopeless, a random guess.
It was hopeless.
How could he save a friend in pure chance.
If only, he was stronger. If only he could've stopped Taylor. If only he had known.

If only he was stronger.

With fists clutched in anger, suddenly, an object reacted.

The glass of water started to sway, almost like waves were forming. As Ash noticed it, the effect stopped and the water looked as it had before.


"The water." Ash said simply.

"Are you sure? There are many objects down there." Taylor asked.

"It has to be." Ash replied.

"Quite the trick Ash. Perhaps you really were the right call for this role. Yay for you." Taylor said un-amused.

"Now what?" Ash asked.

"Now we got another test to do obviously."

"What is it?" Ash asked.

"Come outside." He responded.

Ash went back out to the hallway, where Taylor stood at the end of it, now in the purple hoodie without the hood up.

"Hello again." Taylor said with a smile.

"What do I have to do Taylor!" Ash yelled.

"Geez. Patience. There is a panel to your left on the wall. It has many buttons as you can see. One, opens the doors to some of your friends cells. The others? Well someone doesn't leave the cell alive." Taylor said.

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