Chapter 5

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'Are you doing anything for Halloween?' Chinedu asked as we swiped out of the library on a Friday evening.
Chinedu had suggested booking a study room to discuss the reading Urenna had set. I was grateful that he was on the European module ball because I certainly wasn't
'Probably not. What about you?'
Chinedu took a deep breath, 'parties aren't really my thing. I'll probably order a pizza and watch a horror with some friends.'
'Sounds fun,' I smiled.
'You can join if you'd like.'
'Thanks but I'll give this one a miss.'
'Fair enough.'
We emerged from the heart of campus and onto a side road where the bus going into town stopped at.
'This is me,' Chinedu announced.
'Alright, well thanks for this evening. I've never thought about Eastern Europe like that.'
'Keep it up and you'll ace the class,' Chinedu smirked.
After bidding our farewells he headed to the bus stop and I continued walking. Mine and Chioma's flat wasn't far from campus.
'Again next week?!' Chinedu called.
'I'll let you know in class!'

As I set forth home I couldn't help but feel a wave of peace. Chinedu was such a nice guy and it was refreshing to have a friend that encouraged me to be as studious as him. I wasn't feeling as low about uni and I was even considering attending some of my other modules.


I put my keys through the front door and was greeted by music playing faintly inside. When I stepped into the hallway it was clear it was coming from Chioma's room. I was ready to fling open my door and retreat to a night of solitude but I found myself knocking on Chioma's instead.
The sound of rhythmic drums and raspy vocals lowered and Chioma answered the door.
'Hey,' she said, letting me in before sitting in front of her white desk and fluffy seat.
Chioma's room was the epitome of Chioma. Loud, eccentric, and glam.
'I like your outfit,' I said smiling in the doorway, 'very devilish.'
Her dark skin illuminated against a tight-at-the-waist, flared-at-the-hips, crimson dress. The fullness of her boobs were accentuated by its delicate straps and plunging neck-line. Her coils were slicked back in a low bun and her headband gave the illusion of two little horns anchored in her scalp. Her make-up was simple but fresh. She paired long flirty lashes with a scarlet lip. Chioma looked divine.
'Thanks,' she replied half-heartedly.
Communication between us had been dire for a week. Chioma lowered her frame to open a draw of nail polishes. My eyes traced her desk and latched onto a sleek black tube.
'Is that,' I said etching into her room, 'MD's new foundation?'
Chioma sat up straight.
'Yes, I finally got it,' she announced lighting up.
'Are you wearing it right now? It looks like skin!'
'I know,' she said caressing her face, 'a white woman matched me as well.'
She then glanced at the clock on her desk. It was only nine-thirty.
'I got ready early because I'm meeting Sola for pre-drinks.'
'Oh, okay.'
'Have you got any plans for tonight?'
I shook my head, 'I'll probably put something in the oven and pig out.'
Chioma put her head down then peered up again, '...are you sure you don't want to come out?'
I thought long and hard for a while before murmuring, 'okay.'
'Yes!' Chioma screeched jumping up.
I cackled hugging her.
'I've missed hanging out with my bestie, Sola's so annoying sometimes,' Chioma moaned.
'I'm sure she thinks the same about you.'
She rolled her eyes and began fluffing my afro, 'Ams, we only have an hour. What are we going to do with you?'


My heels clicked and clacked as they hit the ground. They were flimsy and I was tipsy so every step was a concentrated effort to not tumble over.
Chioma, Sola, and I were on the way to the Pacific Islander's house party although I was starting to lag behind.
'Come on Amara,' Chioma called, 'we're going to miss all the alcohol!'
'So the bottle you two finished at mine wasn't enough?' Sola asked folding her arms.
'Obviously not!' I barked and we all laughed.
I caught up with the pair and from there we tried to figure out which street to pass through next. We couldn't remember where the football team lived so we assumed the faint music playing from someone's house was theirs and followed the trail. The music got louder as we turned a corner and saw a multitude of students in costumes approaching a large house. Alas, the Pacific Islanders residence. The anxiety I usually endured had been bottled down. Still, I felt a bit weary about following my friends inside.
Two footballers were stood either side of the front door. They were letting people through.
'Hello girls...hello Chioma,' said one of them when we got to the door. He was tall, broad, and wearing the Pacific's football jacket.
'Hey,' Chioma replied reluctantly.
'Compulsory shot on entry,' said the other guy. He grabbed three shots from a makeshift stool beside him and handed them over to us.
I backed the neon glass in one go. The fiery spirit scorched my throat and I started coughing profusely.
'Easy there,' he said rubbing my back.
'Err, she's good!' Chioma said snatching me away and thrusting me into the house. I, on the other hand, was still spluttering my guts over the music.
'Third years are fucking creeps!' Chioma shouted.
When I'd finally caught composure I'd come to realise Sola was nowhere to be seen and Chioma was surrounded by a group of people.
'Chioma!' Someone yelled.
'Oh my God, it's been so long!' She yelled back.
I was in desperate need for a glass of water so I tried to find the kitchen. I soon found the right door. Although the kitchen wasn't as crowded as the hallway, the counter tops were covered in empty bottles and plastic cups. I found a somewhat clean-looking glass and filled it with water from the tap.
'Fine girl!' A male voice said behind me.
I turned and to my surprise it was an old friend of mine.
'Jidenna!' I cried flinging an arm around his neck.
Jidenna pulled me in closer for a hug. He had been part of my 'raving' group in my first year. I barely saw him nowadays.
'Where have you been?' he said twirling me around and getting an eyeful of my outfit.
I shrugged in response.
'And what's all this?' He said referring to my hair in two buns and the badly drawn-on whiskers on my cheeks.
'I'm a cat!'
'And what are you supposed to be?'
'My fucking self!'
Jidenna was wearing a fitted long sleeve white top, grey jeans, and trainers. He and his dark-skinned self looked good. As usual.
'Boo, you're no fun!'
'Says the one who disappeared on us.'
I winked and pulled up the glass to my lips and sipped on some much needed water.
Soon Chioma and Sola appeared and joined us.
'Amara, there you are! And you found Jidenna! Jide baby!'
'Chi-chi! Sho-sho!' Jidenna sang hugging each one of them.
We decided to stay in the kitchen. It was getting a little crowded but according to the others it wasn't as packed as the rest of the house. We were joking about old times. Then something caught my eye.
'I know!' Sola cried.
'Amara, remember? Amara?' Chioma prodded.
I'd pulled away from the conversation and my attention had darted elsewhere. I couldn't help it. The white guy from my African module was here.
'Yo,' Jide said looking up from his phone, 'the Ethiopians have weed outside.'
I didn't even know his name.
'Ooo! Let's go!' Sola exclaimed.
'You coming?' Chioma asked, drawing me from my thoughts. The group were making their way to the back garden.
'Um, I'll meet you guys out there.'
'Okay,' Chioma shrugged and dotted behind the others.
I looked back at floppy locks. I was going to introduce myself. I pulled down my leather mini skirt, pushed up my barely-there boobs, and barged past people to get to him.
He was wearing a buttoned down white shirt he'd drizzled with fake blood. It exposed his brawny chest and light hairs. He was holding a can of beer but looked a little uncomfortable. He was in the midst of others but wasn't saying very much. He soon furrowed his brows and looked up realising someone - ahem me - was starring at him.
'Hi,' I said. I felt myself sobering up regrettably.
He blinked.
'You're in my European module,' I smiled stepping forward. I felt my heel slip on the vinyl floor and my ankle give way.
He smirked behind his can but I acted like nothing had happened.
'Hi,' he finally said.
'My name's Amara.'
'Amara. I'm Luke.'
'Nice, what is it?'
Igbo's had an obsession with knowing where everything was from.
'It's Biblical.'
I nodded my head. 'Are you a Christian?'
Luke seemed offended. I think it was because white Christians were being plastered on the news as terrorists again. Chioma was loving it though. She had material for the LSPT paper.
'No,' Luke spat.
  'Oh, sorry, I just thought-'
'You people always assume,' Luke said rolling his eyes.
  'I didn't mean to - I mean - I know lots of Christians named Luke.' I blurted. I don't know why I lied, as if that would make the situation any less worse.
  Luke scoffed and I cringed hard. There was an awkward silence until he started to speak again.
'I know you,' Luke said stroking his fine facial hairs, 'you're the girl who split my coffee.'
I thought he was trying to lighten the mood so I laughed. Maybe a bit too loud? He didnt look amused.
Fucking hell.
'My friends are...' I said trailing off and looking back. They weren't there. They were outside looking for weed.
'...I'm gonna go,' I murmured. I turned and quickly bustled through the crowd to get away from him. I. Felt. So. Embarrassed.

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