Chapter 1

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The clock struck one. It was a Thursday and my first week back at uni was drawing to a close.

'We'll just wait a few more minutes,' Urenna said peering at the wall clock from her desk. 

I didn't know why. The wait I mean. The room was pretty empty and it was the first class of the term. People weren't late, they just hadn't signed up.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right and beside me was a caramel-skinned guy I'd never seen before.

'Hi, I'm Chinedu,' he smiled.

'I'm Amara.'

'Igboland?' He inquired.

'You got it.'

Soon a young white male rushed into our lecture room. It wasn't exactly the stampede Urenna was looking for but it was another number to the class. A white one too.

I watched as he pulled out a seat in the front row and plummeted himself down. His long, floppy hair plunged in unison.

Urenna looked at the wall clock one last time then slowly rose from her desk. She pulled off her specs and started to give them a clean.

'Welcome to a new year and a new module. I hope you enjoy these lectures as much as I enjoyed compiling them. Now, I must inform you that this class will not be taught from an Africanist perspective.'

She paused, put back on her specs, then continued.

'Rather this class will be taught from a European one.'

From the corner of my eye I could see the white guy roll his eyes.

Urenna wondered back to her desk to turn on the class projector. She fiddled with the remote until her lecture slides appeared. She smiled in delight, cleared her throat, then turned to the class.

'European history. Lecture one: Early European empires. You may begin to take notes.'

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