chapter 11

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With a loud splash a body fell into the water. A sailor has jumped in. Ha poor silly creature. He has no idea what will happen to him.

In a matter of seconds we took a hold of his struggling body and took him down with us. I haven't eaten In forever.

As I was enjoying myself I saw something I feared to see the most. Diabella. She was looking at all of us with great curiosity yet I could see fear in her eyes.

Ieft the corpse of the sailor for the rest as I quickly swam towards her.

"What are you doing here!?" I voiced angrily as I reached her. "Are you completely out of your mind? Didn't I tell you not to come here? Didn't I make you promise?"  I exclaimed in obvious anger.

"I..I"  she looked at me with horror feeling her eyes." I didn't mean to. I woke up to be alone and then I heard singing so I thought you'd be here and  I came. But..but I didn't mean to be seen. I'm sorry sister" she begged me

"You didn't mean to be seen?  So my rule,  our promise was nothing to you? So you came here even after I made you freaking cannot!" I yelled in rage.

She looked down in shame. Good she should feel it. "Now we will talk about this later. It is dangerous here, you have to get out of here." I stated." "Swim back and don't look bad, in ant case"  I ordered.

She nodded quickly and swam. I looked at her making sure she goes straight back,  she was but suddenly she stopped dead in trucks. She looked at someone over the ship but I didn't look there. I didn't have the time to blink as he quickly set down a net.

As soon as I realised what he's about to I swam pushing past everyone to get there. I knew something like this would happen. I saw a vision a about this.

Her eye's widened as she too realised what was about to happen. I quickly pushed her away as her tail got stuck into the net. But instead of her  now I did. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised she's out of there.

"NO AMARA!" Diabella scremed tears falling from her eyes as she realised what awated me. " Please,  please " she begged trying to untie the net. She kept pushing it down as I felt someone trying to push it up.

"I'm so sorry,  it's all my fault"  she cried still trying to get me out.

"Diabella"  I voiced but she kept apologising and trying to get me out.

"Diabella stop"  I stated louder this time. " you know you can't get me out. Now quickly go back!" I commanded.

"Go back?  Never!  I'm not going home without you!" she exclaimed making me shake my head.

"Diabella listen to me at least this time" I stated as I felt myself being pushed up.

"Amara! No,  no please"  she cried harder. I looked at her one last time and whispered "take care" Then I was pushed out of water.

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