Alone In A Cave (3)

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If Takeshi had water in his mouth, he would have spat it out after hearing her nonsense of taking advantage of his body at the lake.  Truth was, it was he who took advantage of her not the other way around.  

Fine!  This girl can take responsibility of this King!  Takeshi stated to himself.  With her brazen attitude, he will make sure she takes responsibility! No women other than is mother and Nurse had seen him naked. She had also taken his first kiss without him knowing and had kissed him several times afterwards to feed him water and soup.  How could he not be present when he first lost his first kiss!  No one had fed him since he was a baby.  How could she do so without even thinking twice about how improper her actions have been?  He will make her take responsibility and teach her proper manners!

"What did you want to ask?" Takeshi said. 

"With your martial skills, you could squish anyone like an ant.  How did you get caught and hung up with the golden chains?"  Lihua asked as she poked the fire.  

For a long time Takeshi stared at the stick poking into the fire, before resigning himself to share his story with her.  

"If I tell you my story, you will have to tell me yours and the reason why you poison yourself."  Takeshi tells her.  

It was Lihua's turn to decide if she could tell the man sitting next to her the truth.  After thinking for a while, she figured maybe there was a way he could help her exact her revenge.  

"What I tell you, you can't tell another soul and what you tell me, I won't tell another soul."  Lihua said. 

"I swear, on my name as Hell King, I will never reveal what you say to me to anyone else. Should I do, may the heavenly thunder spirit strike me down where I stand."  

"I too swear on the heavenly thunder spirit, that I, Lihua Lei, will never reveal what you say to me to anyone else, may the heavenly thunder spirit strike me down where I stand, shall I break my word."  Lihua followed behind him.  "You go first." 

Taking a big breath, Takeshi sighed heavily and told her of Akira.  He described Akria in such detail, that if Lihua closed her eyes, Akira would be stand there behind her eyes.  He told her of the times they spent together with his brother.  The three of them causing trouble for the whole court, even though Nao was 8 years older than Takeshi.  He told her of his arrival back to the city with welcomed arms by the city and it's citizens and of his reunion with Akira.  He told her of his confession and her confessing back to him.  He told her of all the things he did for her, how he treated her like a princess, the things he bought for her.  How he cherished her, then to the crowning of his brother as King.  The permission he got from King Nao to marry Akria. Then in detail, he told her of the following days where Akira lead him into the cave and with his guard down, struck him over the head with something heavy.  How he woke up to Akria and her family degrading him, for being a King in title only.  How they planned for Akira to become the mother of the nation, by marrying her to my brother and hopefully baring him a son. So one day, she will become Queen Dowager.  

"I made a blood oath to kill their bloodline once I escaped."  Takeshi told Lihua.  "Even if she has had children with my brother, I swore to kill them as well.  For I do not want their dirty Chen bloodline mixing with the noble Shiro bloodline." 

Lihua nodded her head in understanding, however killing his nephew or niece could be difficult for him.  

"I'll help you in anyway that I can."  Lihua tells him.  "To tell you the truth.  The reason why I poisoned myself is because I'm a poison expert."  

Surprise ran through his body.  The girl who sometimes acted like a lady and sometimes acted like a vixen, was a poison expert.  

"But I'm getting ahead of myself."  Lihua said, "What I'm about to tell you, you might not think it's true or that I'm lying.  But I've never lied to you and I won't start now, so you can choose to believe me or not is up to you."  

Lihua told him about the death of Young Miss Lihua.  How she grew up and was treated in the Lei Clan.  How she longed for love and affection from others and how her half sister tricked her into believing their affections towards her were good.  How they poisoned her for a year with the Crimson Heart Poison and how they sat there across from her everyday for a year as she drank poison.  How she was brought into the cave and how Young Miss Lihua died after finding out that the reason why her half sisters started poisoning her was due to her being the legitimate born daughter of the Prime Minister and the fact that she was engaged to the Crown Prince a year ago.  

"So you're engaged to my nephew?"  Takeshi said.  

"Yes, but I've never met him.  The engagement had been between my father and your brother.  Even I didn't know about it until the old servant told me."  

"What happened next?"  Takeshi asks.  

Lihua continues to tell him of her transmigration into the body of Young Miss Lihua.  

"So you're saying you're not Young Miss Lihua?" 

"My soul isn't, but my body and face is."  

"Then who are you?" Takeshi asks.  

"My name is also Lihua Lei.  However, in my life I was a poison taste tester and poison expert. A poison assassin."  She tells him truthfully.  "I did so well that I was granted permission to marry and I did.  I had four children and 20 grandchildren by the time I died."  

"So what now? What are your plans?"  

"I have to complete Young Miss Lihua's last request to take revenge on those who wronged her in her short and pitiful life.  After that, I plan to live my second life the way I want to.  The way Young Miss Lihua should have lived her life if she was free to live it the way she wanted to."  Lihua tells him.  "I don't plan on going back to the Lei Clan and accuse them of all the wrong doings that they did towards me.  Instead, I will strike from the shadows and watch as they all live a life worst than hell only then will I reveal myself to them." 

Takeshi shivered with chills that ran up his spine.  He sat up straighter and kept on listening.  

"So to make sure that I complete my promise to Young Miss Lihua, I have started to train myself just like my old life. By poisoning myself so I would be immune to all types of poison.  Once I am, I can start my revenge on the people who hurt Young Miss Lihua." 

"If you are willing to help me with my revenge, this King, shall help you with yours." 

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