Alone In A Cave (2)

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Lihua came out of her cultivation when Takeshi shook her violently.  Lihua spurted out black blood from her mouth and Takeshi let her go immediately.  Takeshi ran the hut and grabbed a cup then he ran to the lake and scooped up the heavenly water and brought it back to Lihua.  

"Quickly drink."  Takeshi said as he forced the cup to her mouth.  

Lihua took the water in her mouth, but she didn't swallow.  It would defeat the purpose of her eating the Black Claw Poison.  Instead of swallowing it, she closed her mouth and Takeshi took the cup away from her.  Lihua looked at Takeshi strangely before swishing the water in her mouth then sprayed the water out into the fire, causing black smoke to rise above the fire quickly.  

Lihua wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stared angrily at Takeshi.  

"You could have killed me!" Lihua lectured Takeshi.  "You're old enough to know not to disturb someone who is cultivating.  It can cause damage to their bodies."  

"What did you ingest?  Why did you poison yourself?" Takeshi demanded.  

"The reason why I poisoned myself is my own business."  Lihua said.  "What is it to you?" 

"It's my business since the moment I pledge myself to you."  Takeshi shouted in frustration.  

"Lets hope I don't die from this poison, or the pledge you took would come sooner rather than later."  Lihua told him.  "Now I have to cultivate so the poison doesn't spread as much as it already has."  

Takeshi watched on as Lihua closes her eyes and sat went back into her lotus position and started cultivating.  He rubbed his head in frustration because she didn't tell him why she poisoned herself.  The poisoned has invaded her throat dantian and corrupted it with its poison.  Why was she doing this, he would have to wait until later to find out.  

By the time Lihua woke up from her cultivation, two days have already passed.  The fire still burned, but there was not sign of Takeshi.  Lihua saw the cup of heavenly water in front of her so she drank it.  

Lihua looked inside the hut, but he wasn't there either, so instead she took her things to go for a swim in the lake.  Before she went into the lake, she stared at her reflection and saw the tiger on her neck.  For a second, she saw the tiger blink back at her and yawned in boredom.  Lihua's finger came up and touched the tiger's head and body.  She traced it until it's tail curled around her neck, then with the other hand she traced the tail from the other side of her neck down her shoulder.  

"Beautiful." Lihua said as she began to strip.  

Lihua swam back and forth with strong strokes, warming up her arms and legs as they have been in a state of meditation for two days.  Lihua could first hear someone come inside the cave.  She heard that person come closer to the lake and make his way down.  Her eyes could see the large silhouette of a man carrying a 12 horn deer on it's shoulder.  As the man can closer, she saw his silver eyes meet her forest green eyes.  

Surprised that he didn't leave her, Lihua hid her surprise by diving down into the lake.  She thought the first thing he would do would be to leave the cave.  Instead he went hunting for them instead.  What does Hell King want exactly and how did he get himself chained up?  With his martial skills, no one would be able to beat him easily.  How did he get himself into this predicament?  

Suddenly she felt a hand grab hold of her ankle.  Lihua screamed in fear, before another set of hand wrapped itself around her waist and brought her up to the surface.  Coughing loudy, she tried to push the large, hard body that surrounded her for air, however it did not move.  Covering her mouth with her hand as she coughed, she stared angrily at Takeshi.  

"What are you doing?"  Lihua said between coughs.  "What were you thinking when you grabbed my leg?!  I could have drowned!"  

"You went under and didn't come back out for a long time.  I-I thought you needed my help."  Takeshi said in defense.  

"Oh."  Lihua said.  

Takeshi stared down in to her mesmerizing forest green eyes.  He lost himself looking at her.  Her eyes seemed to tell a sad story and there was a hint of something different that he couldn't put his finger on at the moment.  But he what he did know was that he liked looking into her eyes.  It made him forget who he was for that moment and made him feel like a regular man instead.  

"Are you going to kiss me?" Lihua said.  "Or are you just going to stare at me for the rest of the day?" 

Surprise ran through his body as his arm tighten around her.  

"Vixen." Takeshi whispered as his lips landed on to hers.  

His kiss was light at first.  Inexperienced and hesitant.  Taking the lead, she wound her hand around his neck, pulling his hair at the back of his head with her fingers.  Takeshi moaned and opened his mouth and Lihua took this opportunity to plunge her tongue into his mouth.  She teased his lips and gently coaxed his tongue with hers.  Their kiss deepened as Takeshi slowly took over her kiss.  Lihua let him deepen their kiss as her hands kept pulling his hair in encouragement.  

Takeshi growled as Lihua pulled his hair too much and pain shot through him.  As their kiss broke a part.  Lihua took that moment to attack his neck with her lips.  She kissed his neck and bit it when she felt he needed punishment.  She knew if she didn't stop, they would cross a line that she wasn't ready to cross yet.  Young Miss Lihua died a virgin and yet she wanted her first time to be with someone she cared about.  

Lihua broke way from Takeshi's embrace and swiped some of the water at him to cool him down.  Takeshi looked at her at first in rage then with determination as he flicked water at her back.  They played around for a while, each taking turns dunking and splashing water at each other.  Their laughter filled the cave for the first time in several decades.  

When they finally got out of the water, Lihua threw the dry towel into Takeshi's face, covering his sight away from her body.  When he removed the towel, Lihua had already disappeared along with her extra change of clothes.  Takeshi grabbed his shirt he threw off when he dived into the lake after Lihua thinking she was drowning. He dragged the deer by it's horns to the hut and Lihua had already started chopping the few vegetables that she had found in the forest.  

As Takeshi took care of the deer, Lihua started cooking with the meat pieces that he handed to her.  A whole leg had been dedicated to roasting over the fire pit and the rest of the meat were cut down into smaller strips and hung up to dry near the fire.  The vegetable soup had boiled and set to the side.  Takeshi, washed up in the pond and changed into clean clothing as he sat down next to her.  

"I think its time we start talking."  Lihua said as Takeshi watched the flames flicker over the meat.  "Especially since I took advantage of your Kingly body at the lake."  

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