"How was it easy? How was it better?" Suddenly her face softened like an angry ocean that suddenly calmed down but still I can sense her disappointment. "If it hurts for you then it did for us too. Specially for Brittany."

"I was afraid, okay?" I said telling her the truth. "Afraid that you'll all just treat me like a fragile person. Someone that needs care and attention. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to be a burden. I'm scared about everything. It makes me feel guilty seeing that girl hurt- Brittany... I hate seeing her sad or upset everytime she tell me stories about what our relationship was like and I can't remember."

"Well, congratulations you made her more upset and hurt. And please, you can stumble and crawl, I promise I won't give a fuck if that's what you want."

I frowned. "You're such a bitch, Q."

"I was just joking," she said and rolled her eyes. "Santana, we're your friends. Of course, we will take care of you and treat you better. Well, except for me. I mean, I'm never gonna stop being mean to you because I just like to be mean and I enjoyed it, and I'm your BFF so you're not allowed to get mad at me. Okay, but forget about that for now. You don't have to think about us. Just think of Brittany alone, because she cares a lot about you. She's upset and so desperate to know how you are doing. Just please, come back in here."

"First, thanks for the warning. I think I should force myself to like and accept you for being mean to me. Nothing can replace you for being a Head Bitch In Charge-"

"I know, thank you," Quinn interjected.

"Right... But I don't think I can come home to Lima anytime soon."

"Why?" She asked giving me a death glare.

"I live in here now and I can't go back to school. My parents just enrolled me online. I'm home schooled. To add to that, I'm injured. You cannot expect the Berry's to take care of me. I'm not their real daughter. I'm not their responsibility," I told her.

"Alright, alright. But, think about it or maybe you can ask your parents to move here." She sighed and pouted.

"I'll try to suggest that to my parents but I don't think that would be easy for them."

She groaned. "Okay, fine... Anyway, how are you, S?"

"I'm still crippled. Sometimes I can walk without crutches. Most of the time I need it. And, last time I checked I still have amnesia, but I'm fine here. I think I'm alright."

"No, you're not. You don't sound alright."

Jeez, I hate how she can read me...

I shrugged. "Sometimes I just space out when I'm confused and when I'm trying to remember everything or recall something about me, about what I missed, and about her. What do you think I should do?"

"Umm, call her? Obviously, she's the one you need. Simple as that."

"It's not simple as that!"

"You just need someone. Someone that can help you remember everything," Quinn told me. "And we both know It's Brittany that can help you... It's Brittany, bitch," she told me and wiggled her eyebrows.


"What? You're asking me and I'm just telling you what I know that will help you. Don't be so in denial about your feelings. We get it, you forgot everything about her but that doesn't mean you don't remember your feelings for her. Everytime you see her, you're still blushing. Like, hello? You have brown or dark skin, and don't tell me I'm racist because I'm not. What I'm trying to say is, I can see you still blushing with your dark skin whenever she talks to you alone."

A Second Chance in Love (Brittana)Where stories live. Discover now