|Alternate Ending 2: Limitless|

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Play the song. Welcome to the second alternate ending. You have read the true and the first ending. How was it? Did you prefer their eternal love? The bittersweet selfishness of Larcade? Or... Will you—

|At the Cathedral|

"Larcade, you don't understand what you're asking! It's too much for me to bear.", Chrome cried and cried to the point she was suffocating in her own tears.

Larcade winced in pain and hugs her tight. Not letting go. "But I don't want to take your precious life away.", he cups her cheek and runs his thumb on them.

Chrome furrows her brows and nervously laughs. "You don't understand do you?", she pauses and cups both of his cheeks. "Larcade, your existence is also precious. To me. My existence, belongs to you. Without you, how do you imagine me living?"

The blonde looks away, closing his eyes. He could not give her a single answer to her questions. It was indeed too painful for him. For him to get separated from her. For him to hurt her. 

"You deserved a better life Larcade. After what you've been through, you really deserved to be happy. I— had my happiness. A lot of it Larcade! I met Mystogan, Fairy Tail, had fun with Sabertooth, gone to great adventures, fought many fights with my friends, meeting you! And I want you to be happy and have great experiences as well!", Chrome grinds her teeth together with more incoming tears. She grabs his shoulders and shook them furiously. "I WANT YOU TO LIVE LARCADE!", her scream cracked.

Larcade's eyes widened as she takes the vial to her lips, taking the tablet and pulling his vest to pull him closer. Their lips met and the twinkling tablet passes from Chrome to Larcade. The blonde coughs and looks down to his ankles, hands then felt his neck. The cracks were gone. Panic surged through him.

Chrome smirks in satisfaction while swaying herself then falls on her back.

"Chrome-san!", Larcade crawls to her and scoops her in his arms. He was trembling like hell. "No. No no no no no. You can't do this Chrome-san!", he shouted and lets his tears fall.

Before Sting could sprint his way to the couple, he hears his partner panting.

"Chrome. Chrome. My cute little sister.", Rogue drops his knees to the ground and was shielded by Yukino. "Chrome. Big brother loves you.", he began crying slowly. "Chrome."

Sting furrows his brows and clenched his fists. "Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it!"

Chrome reaches for Larcade's cheek with a painful grin and she caresses his cheek like one mother would do to a child. "It feels so satisfying saving someone that I love. Giving him what he deserves. Death is worth to try. Don't you think guys?", she turns to the side, to see her friends from Fairy Tail arriving.

Lucy's jaw dropped to the ground. She runs to Chrome and Larcade, handing the vial to her. "H-here Chrome! Just take it and everything will be alright right? Right?", she chuckles nervously and her hands trembled as she hands the vial to Chrome's hand. She has lost Eclair. Now, she's losing Chrome.

"Lucy... Marry Natsu soon ok?", Chrome pushes the vial back to the celestial mage with a smile and lets Larcade cradle her. "Larcade, don't you want to join a guild? I know... You want to."

Larcade cries silently and held her protectively. "Chrome-san... Why did—"

Chrome presses her finger on her lover's lips. "Is it Sabertooth? Or Fairy Tail? It's ok, either one is fine with me. Cuz the sabers seem to take a liking to you, you know. And Larcade, what I want you to do... Is not blame yourself once after all this is over ok? Please? No one will blame you for this. This is what I've decided on. And that's final...", she sighs. "I love you Larcade."

The Love He Deserved (A Larcade Dragneel x OC Short Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя