Something was off about the girl. Travis had felt that way since days ago when Nathan and Devora had come forward to mention their assignment of protecting Julius Cain from imminent danger. Candice grew quieter after that and now, her posture was much more tense than usual. She was standing stiffly, not at all the usual agile fighting stance Candice took by habit.

There was definitely something up with her but Travis didn't have the time to think it through. There was a fight on his hands and it wasn't going to be a scuffle between kids in some forgotten alley in his hometown.

Leon Gray was every bit as menacing as he looked back in the forest all those months ago. Muscles bulged around his biceps and torso, multiplying his figure size into something much bigger and brawnier than mere skin and bones. From the last time Travis had seen him, Gray had gotten a few more scars on his body to add to his collection. A single line ran down his entire left arm, a near-perfect straight line as if it were from a surgical operation. His lips were split even though there was no blood, just as though the skin of his body was mended that way.

As if to show off his array of scars and tattoos, Leon Gray was dressed in a simple olive green tank top that looked ready to rip at the seams. It hugged his body so tightly that it displayed all of his muscles, perspiration darkening the color of the tank top in every crevice.

Such a privilege it would be for Travis to rid the world of this monstrosity.

"Look at you," Gray taunted, his crooked smile showing. "It had been some time since I last saw you and your little friends."

"I would say it's nice to see you again but my mother always taught me to never lie," Travis snarkily replied.

"Your mother... Yes..." Taking a few steps to encircle Travis, Gray smirked. The bell rang behind them, signaling the start of the fight. "I wonder how she would feel about her youngest lying on the forest bed. Her eyes glossed over and her body rotting for the animals to feed on."

At his words, Travis lost it.

He made the first move, jumping through the air as he tried to tackle Gray with a punch. However, Leon Gray was an experienced fighter that had seen years of trials. Compared to Travis, a young sprout that was starting to grow with the aid of the nourishing sun, Leon Gray was a tall tree that had withstood many storms and hailing rain. He saw Travis's attack coming. In fact, he was inciting it on purpose.

"You honestly think you can beat me?" Gray laughed, lunging forward at the same time to kick Travis. His knee hit Travis right in the gut and the teenager landed against the floor with a grunt of pain. "I was here years before you. All your tricks and skills practically descended from me. I have everything you have. I know everything you know." He leaned down, pressing one foot onto Travis's back to lock him on the floor as he mocked him right by his ear. "There's nothing you can one-up me with."

"You're wrong."

Reaching forward, Travis clenched his fist and punched Gray on the shin, causing the older man to stumble back with a surprised yelp. The metal beneath the cloth indented Gray's bones as a loud crack pierced through the air. As Leon Gray stumbled back, Travis took the chance to get back on his feet. He aimed a kick at Gray's chest, sending the stunned man back a few steps but not enough to knock him off balance completely.

"I have drive," Travis bit out, scowling. What he had was also a weapon to aid him in this fight but that was something Leon Gray would've to find out for himself through the hard way.

Lunging forward, Travis tackled Leon Gray to the ground successfully, pinning him down with his own body weight. He was hunched over Gray's figure, continuously pummeling the older man's scarred face as the latter raised his arms in a weak attempt to deflect the blows. Every three to four hits, Travis could hear the satisfying crunch of bones cracking under the force.

The skin on Gray's forearm, which he used to block Travis's hits from directly contacting his face, was starting to turn blue and black with the amount of blood running under. The bones had long broken, crippling most of Gray's energy as his arms fell limp to his side.

"You can't kill me," Gray spat out, blood dribbling from his lips right after Travis landed a blow on his cheekbone, significantly bruising the area. "This isn't a battle to the death."

"Too bad for you, Julius Cain promised me and my sister revenge for Tammy's death," Travis replied evenly. "I'm no longer one for the rules."

The audience went silent, all their breaths caught in their throats as they watched a teen that hadn't fully reached adulthood landing blow after blow on a bulky, fully-grown adult that was more than twice the former's size. Their eyes were wide when they realized that Leon Gray, a veteran in the company, had already gone limp. He laid there, his dead body taking each hit without a single movement other than his body's natural reaction due to physics whenever Travis landed another punch.

Travis Lane didn't stop his attack until he was sure he had split open Gray's skull. Blood was oozing out everywhere, dripping all over the floor and covering most of Travis's clothes when he had finally slowed down to a stop. Splatters of crimson red tainted his cheeks and he wiped it away from his thumb, lips slightly parted as he panted.

Gray's eyes were glossed over, just like Tammy's were back in the forest.

He had done it. He had killed an unbeatable. He had killed a killer.

Finally, Tammy can rest in peace knowing that her death had been avenged.

Finally, Tammy can rest in peace knowing that her death had been avenged

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