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ابدأ من البداية


There was a distant noise from the city, and I decided to go back, so I continued walking - occasionally running.

When I walked through the wall, I quickly realized my mistake of leaving and ignoring the feeling in my gut.

Because when I walked through, all I heard was screams and the sounds of metal on metal - fighting.

Immediately, I knew something was wrong and took off in another sprint, planting my feet and almost tripping at what I saw before me, in the gateway and street.

Vampires are attacking.

There were clusters of guards fighting vampires, and most of them were loosing - but staying away from the deadly bite. Almost right in front of me was a large gathering of guards, not knowing what to do and trying to see where they could jump into the fight.

I snarled under my breath, and took a step foreword, only for the guards to try and stop me. They were all taller, but I simply brushed them off and stood at the front of the crowd for a quick second.

What am I missing?

I didn't see anything I could be missing, so I continued to step foreword, hearing but not acknowledging the people telling me to stay back from the danger.

Glaring at the fights, I shouted. "Hey!"

A few vampires and guards looked over for a second but continued to fight, and I caught a few people's attention fully. They regarded me oddly.


Nope. Nothing.

With a growl, I reached into a pocket on one of my sashes and grabbed out a small steel ball. I made these a long time ago with a blacksmith's help and still use them today.

I tossed it underhand into the center of the street.




A small horizontal line sunk into the ball and fire erupted from the inside, spurring a flame 4 feet high.

That definitely worked.

With the fear of fire, all the vampires stumbled and stared wide-eyed at the flame, which diminished slowly.

The guards were distracted, as well as the vampires, but all eyes fell on the machine - then to me as I spoke out again.

"Now do I have your attention?" Glances between each other, but nothing violent yet. Good. I don't want anyone getting hurt.

"You are going to leave, and never come back."

My voice didn't waver, my stance and aura like a rock, immovable and impassive. Like a full-blooded warrior.

A vampire ahead of me, slightly to my left, and only about 10 feet away, laughed. I glared towards them, my body still stone as well as my gaze.

"And why would we do that?" He snarled and spat at me.

I simply rolled my eyes and moved my hands to my mask.

Should Have Walked Away | Aarmau Vampire AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن