Chapter 15

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(A/N: Sorry the chapter took so long guys, I had school and it's been busy and I have to fight off the writer's block. But here's the next chapter)

Dawn's POV:
(A year later)
It's been a year and I'm happy that my parents are finally stop being overprotective.

I turned 18 months ago and have new outfit and my hair grew a little and I have bangs on my forehead and both sides of my face and the rest is in a high ponytail.

Right now, I'm getting myself ready for graduation as I was talking to Luis on the Phone, "Finally, after graduation, we're out of high school."

"Same here, Luis. Are you thinking of going to Collage?" I asked, "Not sure. You?" "Same here. I do want to go to Collage, but at the same time I don't."

"And your parents want you to go?" Luis asked, "Pretty much." "You don't have to go you know." "I know, but you might want to tell my parents that?" We say our farewells and I went to get my purse to go to the hair salon.

Anywho, my friends' acting a little funny, when they asked about my sister Crystal if she's acting weird lately and now that they mention it, Crystal is acting weird.

But I'm sure it's nothing, maybe she's on her time of the month, or worried about what should I do after high school, or something.

3rd Person's POV:
Dawn's friends paid close attention at Dawn's sister, Crystal. She's been acting strange lately and they were going to find out what and that's by spying on her.

It's close to Dawn's graduation and Crystal is walking in the mall, unknown to her, is that Karai, April, Shinigami, Casey and the turtles who are disgusted as humans thanks to the watches Donnie invented, are spying on her.

We can see the things you're doin', and Dawn thinks that we're paranoid. But when we get the goods on you, she'll believe us and not you.

Dawn says stress got into us all. But every bubble's got to pop.

She's gonna see what you're doin'.

And then you're finally gonna be stop!

Don't think that you're still winning, 'cause you better believe we're gonna drop a dime on you! We'll get ya!
We'll get ya! And once we do, you're gonna be busted!

We don't wanna put the hurt on you.

But you better believe us, when we tell you that we gonna put the dirt on you, you're busted.


Yeah, she's finally gonna see the real you.

This is how it's gonna be, when she finds out we were right all along, you're busted! There's eight new cops on the beat, and we're bringing down the heat,

Our eyes are wise to all your lies, 'cause you're not that discreet.

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