Chapter 4

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Leo's POV:
We've arrived to the lair and put the girl on the table in Donnie's lab. Donnie fix her wound and said, "There we go. She'll be fine, we just have to wait for her to wake up." He said, before getting all the things he needs to free Karai.

Dawn's POV:
Oh, man, what hit me? I try to open my eyes, but the light was hurting me. I blink a couple of times until my vision was clear, I look at my arm and saw that it's all bandaged up.

I look around and found out that I'm in Donnie's lab, "What the heck?" I said to myself, I look and saw the door is open and heard argument.

I slowly and carefully got off of the table, and walk towards it, I look outside and saw Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey arguing. I widen my eyes as I realized that I'm in 'The Fourfold Trap' episode!

I stood here as I watch them arguing until Mikey saw me, thank you for finally notice me standing here. "Hey dudes, she's awake!" He ran towards me and said happily, "Hi, I'm Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey!"

Leo, Raph, and Donnie aren't far behind him and Leo said, "I'm Leonardo or Leo for short. What's your name?" "My name's Dawn." "My name's Donatello or Donnie. And you mean like the dawn of the sky before the sunrise?" Donnie said, "Yeah, you can say that." "And the ugly one over here is Raph! Ow!" Mikey yelled when Raph hit him behind his head, "It's short for Raphael." He said with his arms crossed as usual and a smirk.

I heard Donnie's T-Phone ringing, Donnie went to grab the phone, and answer it, "Hey April, um not the best time." Oh no, that's Karai using April"s voice to call him! I don't know how Baxter hacked into their T-phones, but I have to warn them.

"What is the problem here?" We turned and saw Master Splinter, "I see our guest is awake." He said, "Oh yeah. Sensei, this is Dawn, she came from another dimension." Leo introduced me. Master Splinter walk towards me and I bow in respect.

"I sense that she has a good soul, she may be helpful to us." He said. "You should've seen her fight, Sensei. She fought against the Kraang droids and she has her own weapon, she can fight but that is until she got hit by a Kraang droid." Mikey said.

Master Splinter stroke his beard and said, "Its seems that she know ninjitsu but not all of it, is that correct?" "Yes. My Dad just teaches me the basic ninjitsu, but not the whole thing because he has a job as a vice principal in another school in my world, so he barely have time to teach me." I said.

"If you like, I can teach you ninjitsu since your father can't." I smiled at him and said, "I would love that." "I'm heading out, April needs me." Donnie said as he left, uh-oh, he's heading to a trap!

"Your needed here now Donnie." Leo said, Donnie ignore him and he left. "Donnie!" Leo yells as Donnie was gone. "My sons, you can not drive each other apart. In time like this, the unite is important. Do not forget the most basic lesson; an effected team thinks as one."

"But what about Dawn? We have to take her back to her world, her family will be worried about her." "And how exactly are you guys suppose to get me home? You don't even have a portal." I pointed out, "I know that. But we'll figure out and get you home, Dawn." Leo said.

"But until then, you have to tell us which dimension you came from." Raph said, "Well, it's kinda a long story, and you guys might think I'm crazy." I said while playing with my fingers, "Just tell us, we promise we won't laugh, right guys?" Leo said as he look at them with a serious look.

"Yup/Sure" they said, "Well, OK." Then I told them that they're actually a TV show in my world and I got into an argument with Luis, and the Kraang Portal appeared in my room, and they know the rest.

After I'm finished telling them, they look shocked and surprised. "Whoa, we're in a TV show?! Awesome!" Mikey said excitedly. "That explains why you didn't freak out when you saw us." Raph said, "I didn't know we're in a TV show." Leo said.

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