Chapter 7

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Le Interesting Facts

Listed below will be some interesting facts about body language.

Let's start:

1. Studies show that women laugh at men they are attracted to, and men are attracted to women who laugh at them. (Flirting tips for ladies out there ;) )

2. A woman is 4 times more likely to mirror another woman than a man is to mirror another man. That being said, while woman also mirror men's body language, men are reluctant to mirror a female's gestures  or posture unless he is in courtship mode.

3. People who are born blind can perform the same body language expressions as those who can see, suggesting that body language is more innate than language or even facial expressions.

4. Men have poor peripheral vision compared to women.

5. Blinking rates give us insight into whether or not a person is lying. People usually blink faster when they are lying or when they are feeling stressed.

6. Putting your hand on your heart make us more honest and moral.

7. If a person has crossed both their arms and legs, they have emotionally withdrawn from the conversation.

8. Men usually touch their face in times of discomfort. For women, it's usually their clothes, hairs, jewellery, neck and arms.

9. Someone suddenly crossing their arms during a conversation can often mean discomfort.

10. Invading personal space causes arousal ;)))))))) (Depending on the person of course. I would be worried if you had this reaction towards your mum or someone entering your personal space).


11. So, this one basically waves off some of the things I told you in chapters before, but basically, lie detection is almost impossible. (Ignores that fact that I told you many things mean a person is lying in previous chapters).


Guys, I'm getting lit while writing this. Listening to some k-hip hop compilation. Bruh.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and learnt something new. 

P.S. I know some of you were just dying to know about my half-yearly results. Well, I failed... Moving on...

I sort of have an idea of what I'm going to write about next (thanks guys for the many suggestions btw -_-) so look forward to the following chapters. 

May be slow updates, due to being slammed with assignments with a minimal time to do them.


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