** ♡ Joyful Meadowlark ♡ **

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Joyful Meadow

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Joy sighed, nothing in her closet matched. She shook her head, wondering where all her clothes went. Even her sock drawer, her underwear drawer. Someone was messing with her and it was really starting to irritate her.

You may think she was crazy, but Joy had bought things to match, a blouse to her bra, socks even to something else. Underwear for slacks to not be seen under. She can't wear white with not the right colored underwear, like a dress she had on her mind to wear. The dress was there but not her white or beige undergarments.

She checked her whole room, even between her mattresses and she couldn't find them. She had already done her washing and there was nothing of hers left in the laundry room.

She took one more large sigh before she grabbed the black clothes from the back. She was thinking so someone was messing with her, and she figured it was her cousin Blanche.

The room had been sprayed with a scent blocker, so she couldn't smell who had come in. She dressed, having already had her shower. She grabbed her phone and made sure all windows in her room were locked, grabbed her keys and used the dead bold to lock her room up.

She soon tracked down Luna Cherry and whispered someone was going into her room and stealing clothes, including underwear. Luna Cherry went instantly mad as she said I saw Blanche go in your room honey.

Joy huffed and said my room was sprayed with a scent blocker Luna, to cover her tracks. I'm freaking mad because she rifled through it all, and stole quite a lot.

Luna Cherry said in that case, I'll get some help and remove everything from her room. Joy said well, I did lock my room and it was still happening, so she has a copy of my key or a way to get the master.

Luna Cherry growled out that little bitch, fine I'll deal with it. I thought you left it open for her. Joy snorted and said no way on earth would I agree to let Blanche the slut into my room or ever use my clothes.

Joy took a deep breath and asked is she stealing my scent Luna? Now that pissed Luna Cherry off because she had to say definitely if she sprayed your room with a scent blocker after stealing from you.

Luna Cherry mind linked for some warriors because this was serious, more so as they had company coming. They found Blanche in the shower, so they rid the room of every stitch of clothing, used bleach to rid the room of its stench, and collected every bottle of scent blocker and perfume that Blanche used to cover her scent.

All the clothing went to the laundry room as the staff knew what belonged to who. Luna Cherry told them that Blanche was stealing from Joy, had gone through her closet and stole, then sprayed everything in Joy's room with a scent blocker so Joy couldn't scent who had stolen from her.

Then Luna Cherry went back to Blanche's room, and by then Blanche was out of her shower. The sheet was tossed at Blanche and she was dragged out of the room, before Luna Cherry went into the bathroom.

Every scent blocking item in that room was taken, all dirty laundry as well, leaving Blanche with nothing. Luna Cherry got in Blanche's face and said how dare you use a key I found in your possession to enter someone else's room and steal. The intent was there seeing as you somehow made a copy of my key. As of right this minute, all clothes found in your possession have been taken seeing as we have to go through it all to find the rightful owners.

Now, you may go back in your room and whine, bitch and complain all you want, but all eyes are on you now. Go call another of your assumed friends to lend you something to wear. If it happens again, I'll be dousing you in bleach and making an example of you as no good trash before the whole pack and whatever guests we may have.

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