* 💞 Kenzie Rosario 💞 *

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Kenzie Rosario

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Kenzie ripped the bandage off after seeing the pack doctor, as the needle mark was gone. She thanked the pack Dr Janice and grabbed her things before Dr Janice said three months Kenzie, I want you back in here for another birth control shot.

Kenzie said thanks Dr Janice, mom is busy making all sorts of food to stock your freeze up with. Dr Janice groaned and said you tell your mother she doesn't need to do that Kenzie.

Kenzie grinned and said better you than me, I might get fat with everything she is talking about next. She ran to the door laughing and said mom is making me test everything she makes first before she freezes it for you.

Dr Janice said fine as long as it's better than I can buy at the store. Kenzie grinned and said oh, it is. Then sighed and asked are the rogues situation getting worse Dr Janice, mom wants to know?

Dr Janice was just about to tell her when the door opened and Jaxon was seen struggling in the arms of two warriors who laid him out on the exam table and held him down. Kenzie was going to slip out the door when the warriors called her back over and told her to hold his legs down.

Kenzie sighed and closed the door, then walked over without saying a word and leaned her weight down, holding down Jaxon's legs. She looked away and mind linked her mother to say she'll be home soon and not to go outside.

Her mother said to hurry home as she had dinner cooking, her favorite. Kenzie groaned and shook her head as Dr Janice looked at her. Jaxon looked her over and said I don't know you.

Kenzie held his legs with no problem even when he thrashed to get away. Dr Janice asked what happened? She wiped the blood from Jaxon's chest and saw it was made by claw marks.

The warriors said Jaxon was pissed finding his girlfriend Amanda with another pack's male. Jaxon growled and said that son of a bitch's scent was all over her.

Kenzie looked at him and then away as Dr Janice said so it's just the one mark? Jaxon grunted and said yes. He is in worse condition than me.

Dr Janice asked is he coming in here Jaxon? He nodded and said yup. Alpha Praxton walked in and slammed the door making Kenzie blink. He grunted and looked over his son before saying oh hey Ken?

She asked how's it going Alpha Prax? He chuckled and said better now I know my son isn't as hurt as I was told. She said that's good. He asked how's your mom doing Ken? She sighed and said good days and bad days depending on the weather, today it's good, she made my favorite dinner.

He moved over to her and said let me take them Ken, you can head home while it's still light out. What did she make Ken? Kenzie let go and moved before she said roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, yorkshire pudding, veges. Her mouth dropped when the door opened and a smelly female came in.

Kenzie grunted and said nice seeing you Alpha Prax. Dr Janice, I recommend an air freshener. Thanks for the check up, see you. She walked out the door and hurried up the back stairs and started running.

Alpha Praxton said my god that girl took off fast. Amanda walked over to the bed and looked at Jaxon. Alpha Praxton coughed and said damn it Amanda go shower off that stench.

Jaxon growled get away you slut, I don't want anything to do with you. Amanda teared up and said no Jaxon. The door slammed opened and Kenzie said rogues Alpha Praxton, near the border.

He growled and mind linked his warriors guarding the border and told them rogues near the border, probably by the south quadrant as Kenzie came back to report them as she was heading home.

Pure Blood Female Shifter ☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora