** 💛🤍 Kamila Elsie Lyndsay 💛🤍 **

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Kamila Elsie Lyndsay

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Kamila walked into the pack house. She immediately scented the new scents so the visitors had arrived.

She slipped down to the infirmary and was immediately seen and glared at.  The Doctor quickly took her arm and led her into a room.  Once the door was closed she said I was at the neighboring pack.

He asked why? She said I and others were working on our assignments for a school project, nothing more.  My mother said it was okay so I had her permission.

He said well your dad was asked and he had no idea where you were. She sighed and said to tell you the truth Dr James, my mother was happy I went.  He asked why?  She said at the moment they are having issues. I stayed overnight as my mother wanted the time alone with her mate to work on those issues.

He asked what issues? She said I wasn't told exactly, but my mother at times would wince.  To me it was when he was away for pack business.  Dr James growled is he cheating?  She said I honestly couldn't tell you. I really can't say for sure and don't want to ever mislead you. It also could be because she isn't well. Each time she winced, I asked and she wouldn't tell me what's wrong.

He asked were they fighting? She said not that I ever witnessed firsthand. So it's just from her wincing that I know something is wrong. Dad shows no signs if he was cheating. We could turn that around as well.  Maybe it's her.  He asked you mean cheating?  She said again, I can't say for sure.  I'm not home and in school, so I don't know. There are no other scents or signs on either of them of any cheating going in.  It's very puzzling and has me worried and even scared.

He asked why scared?  She said if one or the other is cheating, they could break up.  If my mother isn't well that's scary as well.  But neither are running together anymore.

He said maybe that is it. She sighed and said maybe. It's all still worried me something is wrong between them.


After her complete and thorough exam, all her injections were given again for another two years on her request. After she dressed, she opened the door.

She walked out and loudly saying thanks Dr J. He chuckled and exited a room saying your welcome honey. You're to go up to the office now. She moved saying alright catch you later.  He said have a great day. She yelled you too honey.  He laughed.

At the office door, she breathed deep to ease herself, then knocked. When the door was opened, she slipped in as the pack Warrior only opened it slightly. She huffed at him making him smile.

She looked over the room seeing who was there, then stepped up to the desk and asked you wanted to see me Alpha? He said yes, you disappeared and no one knew where you were. She said my mother knew where I was as I asked her and she agreed.  I was at the neighboring pack as a group of us in the same class were working on our joint assignments together. He asked how many? She said nine of us, we were partnered up in groups of three by the teacher. We used their library as it's large and rarely used. It's also sound proof so we never bothered any others. We were looked in on constantly by many there as well as we worked.

He asked so if I called?  She said you'll learn I told you nothing but the truth. He asked who were you partnered with?  She said their next Alpha and next Head Warrior, why?  He said just wondering. She said I couldn't bring them here.  Working in the library was the best there was and I have to say it worked out better. We had books for references we could use, as well as going online as there is a computer and printer we used too. Food, snacks and drinks were also brought in.

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