* ⭐ Lizette Meadow ⭐ *

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Lizette Meadow

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Liz cracked her knuckles after hitting Mitch, his chest was harder than she thought. He just chuckled before he tossed her over his shoulder and ran.

She swore at him, over and over to put her down right now. She didn't want to go to the pack meeting. Her parents laughed their heads off watching and followed.

Soon she was set down beside her sister Emerald, making her curse at him again. She smacked him, shoved him out of her way as she did not want or need to stand beside her slut of a sister.

Her sister was already throwing curses at her. Mutual hate both ways, her sister being 6 months older but those months show a big difference as Emerald has already turned into a slut.

She shoved the hood of her sweater over her head and made her way out of the mass of females looking up on stage. She huffed and shoved past the females as they stunk like perfume thinking it smelled good while to her nose it reeked.

Once she shoved her way through, she stood with her back against a tree. She looked up on stage and clamped her lips shut seeing who and why this meeting was called.

With her hood on, she could see their faces, but they couldn't see hers. When Mitch stood beside her with his arms crossed, she glanced at him before sighing and turned to the stage again.

She understood why these retarded meetings happened, she really did, but right now she wanted no part of them. She wasn't in any shape to take on what they wanted no matter how pretty their faces were or how beefcake they looked all oiled up from what she could see.

The males on stage looked over the females with lust in their eyes, seeing all the flesh being on display as the pack females wore next to nothing.

When they jumped off the stage, the visiting females brought were up on stage now, in practically nothing as well. The pack males stiffened and the air filled with lust from the males next.

She shoved Mitch away as he too was one. She grunted as he couldn't take his eyes off the stage. She slipped around the trees and made her way behind everyone, then headed back home.

The meeting was practically over once the newcomers were sent off the stage into the crowd of pack members. She didn't want to be around to see and smell what was next on their agenda.

She slipped into the house and locked it behind her, then headed to the kitchen to eat as she was starved. She made herself something to eat and took it all up to her room, then barricaded her door.

After eating, she sighed before taking her prescribed medication then took her shower and got ready for bed. In the morning, she stripped her clothes off and shifted in her room.

Half an hour later, after her shower, she took her dirty dishes downstairs and stuck them in the dishwasher before getting breakfast. The house was empty, no sounds were heard and no notes were found telling her where everyone went.

She could only assume it was back to the pack house. After eating, she headed back to her room, took her meds and locked her door before crashing back on her bed and going to sleep.

She stayed inside, eating, sleeping and taking her meds and not seeing her family as they went about their lives without her. Their lives were revolved around the pack, she was just trying to survive and was working on her health.

Two days later she walked to the pack house and once inside, headed straight to the infirmary. She ignored the sights and smells, concentrating on why she was here and not what was around her.

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