Phan: Willow Elizabeth (Mpreg)

Start from the beginning


The  boys had just arrived at their hotel room in Florida. It was 8 the  night and both boys were exhausted. Dan curled up in the bed and fell  asleep almost as son as they got to their room. Phil unpacked their bags  some, because he knew Dan would be upset of the room was messy and  nothing was unpacked.

Once  most things were unpacked Phil crawled into bed beside Dan. Dan was  laying on his side cuddling an extra pillow, so Phil climbed into the  bed and just help Dans head; as neither of them were dig on cuddling  while sleeping.


Today  was the first day of playlist live

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Today  was the first day of playlist live. Both boys were up and dressed and  were meeting a bunch of YouTubers for breakfast at a café, not far from  the hotel.

"You ready Danny?" Phil said as he walked out of the bathroom, putting on his wedding ring.

"Yes  but can you put on my shoes Phil? I can't reach my feet." Dan twirled  his wedding ring, which was on a necklace, around. When Dan was about 5  months pregnant he noticed that his fingers were starting to swell and  because of that he took off his wedding ring and started wearing it as a  necklace so it wouldn't be stuck on his finger.

Phil  didn't say anything just picked up the vans from the floor and put them  on Dan's feet. Phil helped Dan to stand and the two of them walked to  the elevator that they took to the lobby where they met up with Zoe,  Alfie, Joe, Caspar, Oli, Louise, Joey, Daniel, Tyler, Jim and Tanya.  Together they were walking to the café, well Dan, Phil, Jim and Tanys  weren't because Tanya was also pregnant; about 4 months and they didn't  want to walk so they got a van to drive them to the café, that would  take them all to where playlist was.

"How you feeling Tanya?" Phil asked after Jim helped her into the van before getting in himself.

"Alright. Everything seems to be going well. I just can't wait until they're here, but I'm sure you understand that."

"Yes I do." Phil gently pecked Dans lips and rested hands on Dan bump.

After  breakfast everyone piled into the van. Dan was starting to feel a bit  of pain in his lower stomach but ignored it. Then they got there they  were ushered to their booths where they would meet fans until 3 where  all the British YouTubers were doing a stage show. It was now 9:45 and  lunch was at 12 for 30 minutes, and the door we're opening at 10.


The  pain was starting to get worst, but Dan didn't want to say anything  because he could see that Phil was having a lot of fun and he didn't  want to ruin it. They were meeting their last fan before they had to get  ready for their stage show.

"Philly  I'm going to the bathroom I'll meet you back stage." Dan pecked Phil's  cheeks before waddling to the bathroom. He joined Phil along with  everyone else backstage. Phil was sitting on the couch talking to Jim  and Marcus so Dan walked over and crawled onto Phil's lap cuddling into  him.

"You alright Dan?" Phil whispered gently into Dan ear.

"Yeah. Just kicking a lot." Dan smiled at Phil before kissing him.

"Okay  guys line up." Some guy said  coming into their dressing room. Alfie  helped Dan up before Phil got up, taking Dan's hand and leading him to  the stage.

Dan,  Phil, Jim and Tanya were sitting on one couch. Alfie, Zoe and Louise  were sitting on the floor in front and everyone else was sitting around  them. After 5 minutes the pain in Dan's stomach became unbearable. He  reached over and duh his nails into Phil's hand.

"What's wrong Danny?"

"Baby coming now." Phil went wide eyes at Dan's statement.

"Let's get you backstage." By now the crowd and everyone else could see something was wrong.

"Can't wait. Happening now." Phil stood up and grabbed the mic from the interviewer.

"Excuse  me can everyone please leave. Dan is in labour and the baby is coming.  So if yo guys could leave that would be great thanks." The fans didn't  question it just got up and left. Within 10 minutes the fans and  interviewer had left. Tanya, Zoe and Louise were helping to calm Dan  down. Between Jim and Alfie they got Dan laying down on the couch they  were sitting on.

"Phil I'm scared." Dan whispered.

"It's alright Danny." Phil kissed Dan's forehead and took his hands into his own.

"Who  is going to deliver the baby. Someone needs to deliver it. Phil what  are we going to do." Dan's breathing picked up, partly because of his  panic but mainly because of a strong contraction.

"Danny please calm down."

"Need to push." Dan panted out. Alfie and Marcus helped take off Dan's clothing from the waist down.

"Can  someone go find scissors, blankets or towels or something to wrap and  clean the baby off with and someone else go find some who's a nurse or  doctor." Louise said. "Zoe and Alfie I need you both here to help me. I  need you guys to hold his legs up while I deliver this baby." Zalfie  followed their orders while Phil was comforting Dan.

It wasn't long until Marcus come back with a girl.

"Hi may name is Marissa I'm a nurse. I can take over but thank you." Louise joined Phil by Dan's head.


10 minutes later and Dan was holding his daughter. The paramedics were on their way and Dan couldn't stop staring at her.

"What are you going to name her?" Marissa asked.

"Willow  Elizabeth." Just then the paramedic came in wheeling a stretcher with  them. They put Dan on the stretcher with Willow on his chest, wrapped in  a blanket. The Phil followed them out and got into the back of the  ambulance with them.

"Love you both." Phil whisper and kissed both Dan and Willow's foreheads. It was at that moment he knew his life was complete.

 It was at that moment he knew his life was complete

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Willow Elizabeth Howelter 

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