Chapter 18

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Christian POV

My first real day without my Ana and I am having a hard time concentrating on anything. Before I at least had Taylor to force me to normalcy but I don't even have that. I just wish she could be here with me instead of needing to be away. So today I decided to work from home, tomorrow I will go to the office. I need to email Andrea, my PA to arrange some time with Claude so I can focus on something constructive.

June 18, 2011 08:53 am

To: Andrea Parker

Subject: Claude Bastille

From: Christian Grey


I need for you to arrange a schedule with Claude this week for training. Have him email me all times available. Preferably mornings but whatever is available. I will return to the office tomorrow morning. Any meetings for today reschedule throughout the week as is acceptable. Anything requiring immediate attention contact Ros Bailey, emergent contact me.

Christian Grey

CEO Grey Enterprise Holdings

I sent the email and look through my current emails looking for anything that requires my immediate attention. I see nothing calling me so I walk to the windows in my home office. I love looking at Seattle from this height, it is amazing. Relaxing and makes me feel like I am master of the universe. I chuckle ruefully, master of the universe. If that were so, Ana would be here. I hear a ping from the email, I look over and its Andrea. I swear she gets more done in a day then most do in a week. I need to give her a raise.

June 18, 2011 09:20 am

To: Christian Grey

Subject: RE: Claude Bastille

From: Andrea Parker

Mr Grey,

I reschedule 2 meetings you had for today to next week, and informed Ms Bailey of your return tomorrow and to handle any immediate concerns for the company but anything emergent contact you immediately. As for Claude Bastille, he is available all week after 5pm. He has taken on a new client and needs to focus on them. Let me know what time after 5pm you are considering and I will arrange things for you.

Andrea Parker

Assistant to Christian Grey, Grey Enterprise Holdings

Taken on a new client? Generally, he will accommodate to me at any time. I look in my phone and pull his number from my contacts. I need to get this frustration out sooner than this evening. I call his number and get his voicemail, must be with a client. "Claude, Christian contact me back as soon as you receive this message". I wonder what could be more important. I go to put on my sweats and decide to run. I need to burn this energy off. As I get ready to leave Taylor is coming from the elevator. "Hey Taylor, what brings you by"? "Ms Steele wanted me to deliver something to you sir" as he hands me another letter. I take it and ask him to stay while I go to my office to read it.


I am sitting at a desk right now thinking of my past. Do you remember when I asked you about your past and you said you were "Fifty shades of fucked up"? Well I may not be fifty shades but I am there with you. I want to tell you some about my past. I know you have stalker tendencies but this is something that is not out in the world like that. I have told 2 people and gotten different reactions. This might also help understand why I left like I did. I didn't realize it myself until I sat alone and thought about it.

I was a teenager when Ray and mom split. I don't know why but they did. She then married this guy named Stephen and moved us to Texas. Things were good until mom wasn't around as much. Little things began to happen and I brought it up to mom. She blamed me and said I was encouraging it by how I dressed and flirted with him. Me flirt like that to my step dad? Seriously, but her words hit a delicate part of me and I began to question myself. I changed and became even more introverted. But it continued and became more aggressive. He would come into my room and touch me and have me touch him. As you know he never went all the way, thank god but it was far enough. I left to live with Ray and I think mom was relieved I left. But not long after I left he molested and raped a 12 yr old girl. I feel if I had gone above my mom she wouldn't have suffered. But I will never know.

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