Chapter 5

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Taylor POV

Ms Steele and I wait in the SUV waiting for Mr Grey to finish making arrangements so she can be taken for medical treatment. I tried not to notice the wounds on her as that would mean I saw her naked and I would never disrespect Ms Steele or Mr Grey but these wounds while bad are not life threatening. Her major injury is psychological. I may suggest Mr Grey place a call to Dr Flynn to see if he can reach her. Its disgusting how a sick man can hurt a woman for his own pleasure. I don't judge Mr Grey's lifestyle because it doesn't hurt them and its agreed upon but this sick shit I witnessed today angers me. I look again towards the elevator hoping Mr Grey will arrive soon.

Christian POV

I have left the room and arranged for Ana's things to be gathered so now I need to take my girl to the hospital. The hospital, what did Taylor see that makes him think a hospital is necessary? How badly is she hurt? God I can't think of this right now, just need to focus on what my Ana needs. Oh baby I hope you will be alright I can't exist in this world without you in it baby. I reach the parking garage and see the SUV waiting for me. Taylor must be in the back with Ana making sure she is OK. Please be OK baby. I enter the SUV and notice the privacy screen in in place. Really Taylor? I can't see her at all? I need to know she is OK and alive. "Taylor how is Ana doing? Is she conscious"? "Mr Grey that isn't for me to say..I will say technically she is awake and breathing but conscious? I would have to say No" Taylor's answer has me bewildered awake but not conscious? I shake my head and start the car and make the 5 min trek to University Hospital.

We make it in 2 1/2 mins and I am very proud of myself, get out of the car open the door for Taylor but he is still adamant that I not see Ana until a doctor has examined her. He is seriously frustrating me right now. But I follow him and Ana into the ER. Security stops me as we enter "Sir there is no parking by the emergency room doors move the car" I turn around "I have brought in a critical ill woman, If you want to tow it tow it I don't give a fuck". The security guard realizes that I truly mean what I've said and offers to move the vehicle for me. I nod thanks to him after I tell him my name to retrieve the keys from him. I go searching for Taylor and see him outside of a trauma room.....TRAUMA ROOM? WTF I barrel towards the room but am stopped by Taylor who says the doctor will be out when she is finished. I am frustrated. Everyone seems to be keeping me from my Ana and I do not like this feeling, like I am in the dark from the true events.

I wait for seems like hours but I am sure it is not that long, a doctor enter the room looking for someone with Ms Ana Steele. I get up on wooden legs and walk over. Taylor has closed the waiting room and standing guard so as we can have some privacy. "So doctor how is my girl"? "Well sir I'm not exactly sure how much to explain or how graphic you want me to be"? As the doctor says this the bile rises in my throat and I try very hard to contain my temper. "Just give it to me straight that's generally the best and easiest" "OK but brace yourself...Ms Steele has a few broken ribs a minor skull fracture hairline fracture of her wrist numerous burns in various stages from 1st to borderline 3rd degree. She has an orbital fracture but all of this should heal in a few weeks with rest and care. What is concerning to me is 2 things. First when she arrived your bodyguard he informed us that she was in what can only be called a state of catatonia. This is where she is in essence awake but she is not there. It happens a lot with people who have suffered a severe trauma such as Ms Steele's and I also believe this could also have something to do with the rohypnol found in her system. I am not making any guarantees but its possible". The doctor pauses and I look at her and think she said 2 things and that was one "What was the other concern you had"? "Oh yes before I go into that if I may ask what is your relationship to Ms Steele? Are you a friend lover boyfriend"? What the hell? Why would I be asked any of this. "I am her boyfriend. Why does my acknowledgement of our relationship matter"? "Well Mr Grey lets say if you were a friend I wouldn't release this information but as her boyfriend this news effects you as well. As you know Ms Steele was drugged with rohypnol generally one tab is what is the standard...early lab tests indicate at least triple that amount was found in her system so unfortunately the fetus was unable to survive. It was about 6 weeks along but there was no way it could have survived". I look at the doctor as if she has nut punched me.....the fetus?

Ana was pregnant and with the age of the baby it would have been mine and hers. Did she know? Did she keep it from me? "Doctor is it possible Ana knew she was pregnant"? "Doubtful I would say as symptoms don't typically show until about 8 weeks but you never know. She is the only one who can answer that. So we did a D/C to release the remaining fetal tissue so it shouldn't cause a problem if she wished to conceive in the future. The internal sutures of which there were many will dissolve in about 2 weeks and of course no sexual activity for at least 8 weeks". "Wait what internal sutures, I don't remember you saying anything about that" "I apologize I should have clarified I just am so used to explaining this to the woman....because of the nature of sexual force and the fact she was unwilling it caused some internal wounds but as I have said she will heal. Also the hospital will be having a psychiatrist come in and assess her mental status". "Doctor that won't be necessary, I will have my psychiatrist come in and assess her if you don't mind. He is familiar with her and think it would be a better situation". "Of course that would be fine if you give me his name I can guarantee he is given temporary privileges for the hospital" "Doctor John Flynn". The doctor walks away and I stumble to a chair my head falling into my hands and start to cry. My poor Ana, suffering so much because of a sick sadistic monster. I take my phone and call the one person who can understand whats going on.


I am aware that my surroundings have changed but I am unaware if for the better. My eyes are open I can feel it but I don't see anything but I can hear some of what is said. I believe I am in a hospital, how I got here I do not know but if it is true I am ever so grateful to whomever saved my life. I truly believe Jack would never have let me go. I do not want to stay locked in my mind. I want out. Release me I cry to my subconscious but she turns and walks away. OK then I will have to figure this out myself. I try to listen more intently but so far its orders for treatment. Treatment on me? What is wrong? I feel like its my lady time but worse and I think back it shouldn't be that time and when I take a deep breath it hurts. Maybe this is why my mind is shutting me down but I have to get back I need to handle whatever has been done. But as I resolve to come back my mind slowly slips back into darkness....No please no I scream as I fade away.

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