Chapter 15

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Christian POV

I watch as Ana and John walk over to the elevator and it takes everything in me not to run over there and stop her. I think mother senses this and grabs my arm. I look over at her because she has never grabbed me before. "Christian Ana is not leaving you forever...she is going to get healthy. She has been through something that no one should ever have to. It sounds cliche but rape is an ultimate punishment that a man can do to a woman. It makes her question herself, her worth, desirability. Do not think this is about you because it is not. That girl loves you. Give her the time to heal. There are times you can be too intense and with everything going on in her mind she needs time to reset and relax. Your intensity is a wonderful trait but just step back. I will see her often to monitor her progress...she will be fine my dear". I nod understanding but not liking the circumstances. "I just don't want to lose her again mom....I barely survived the first time, I know I won't the second. But as you said she needs time to heal. You said you will see her to monitor her progress"? She nods yes, "Then can you give her something from has no additional electronic gadgets to trace her or anything. Its just a gift that means a lot to me" "Of course dear I will give her anything you'd like". I leave to go to my office and get out a small box. There is a note attached in an envelope and I know my mother won't invade my privacy. "The items on this gift says it all for me. Ask her when she can email me or call me when. She will understand". "Of course dear, don't take this personal please it was hard for this decision to be made". I nod but feel the depression sinking back in. Mother walks over to me kisses my cheek and walks to the elevator. I walk into my office and break down after everything that has happened. 


I am at the Grey's they've put me into Christians old room and I actually find it soothing. I smell him all around. Grace hasn't come back here yet....she must be helping Christian to understand what is going on. I need to work on these wayward thoughts and work on a way to cope. I am thinking of talking to Claude, Christians trainer so I can put my energy and focus into something useful, not counting self defense wouldn't hurt. I sit on the bed and wonder....what do I do now? I don't have any of my books, my phone or laptop....because Mr Stalker might find me before I am OK. So I decide to lay down and just relax until I know what's gonna happen.

I dozed the smell of Christian is so soothing feels like he is with me. I get a knock on the door, I get up and see Grace at the door. "Can I come in"? "Yes" as I step aside for her to enter. "I hope putting you in this room is OK with you? Also I wanted to let you know Mia is traveling for a few months so you shouldn't have to worry about seeing anyone really. I am taking a leave from the hospital and Carrick will still work but also more from home. You are welcome to roam the house and outside as you wish, I will keep track of your healing and Dr Flynn will be coming 2 times a week to keep tabs on you. Now normally we would have weekly dinners as a family but with Mia traveling and needing to keep your location a secret we will be putting that on hold for now. Do not feel guilty often when she is not here there is just Carrick and I, the boys don't come home like they should" she chuckles. "I just don't want to be a bother Grace. I don't want to cause any issues with you and Christian, if he finds out I am here it might cause issues". "My dear I would think he would prefer you here than at a retreat, and Taylor will be here as well. He is in a car, not from Christian but one of his personal vehicles, so there is no need to feel badly. He just wants you safe" I nod knowing how anal Christian is about my safety. "Ana, Christian gave me something for you before I left him. He didn't tell me anything but that there is no additional electronic stuff inside and that what is in there 'says it all for him' whatever that means". She has a small gift box with an envelope attached. "Thank you Grace I appreciate this. Also do you have a library here"? "Of course, it is Carrick's office but feel free to make use of it, I am afraid no one does much these days" "Also is there a gym near by"? "Actually there is one here on the property, when the boys where in their teens it helped for them to let off steam. Also went with my mantra 'language, instrument, martial art'. They could work out anything they needed to. Thinking of taking out some frustration on a punching bag"? I giggle "Actually was thinking of asking a trainer to help me find a coping mechanism and maybe some self defense. Couldn't hurt right"? "I totally agree with you my I will leave you to your musings and dinner will be at 6:30p OK"? I nod and hug her before she leaves. As she closes the door curiosity wins out and I open the gift. First the note:

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