She smiled opening her Dora the Explorer bag to remove her book, "Yes!"

Half an hour later, they were done with one homework and two trial tests. The second trial test had Daniel placing a night out with ice cream on it. And with just the right motivation placed on it, Doreen had a perfect score: she got it all right.

She's a genius, he thought. But then he couldn't wait for a night out with his favourite niece and enjoy some ice cream. After all it was Friday and they could relax through it because the weekend was just beginning.

But now he looked forward to the fried chicken that Sophia was carrying into the dining room.


Sophia carried the tray of fried chicken to the table. Rhoda had warned her that Daniel might eye the chicken so it was best to keep him busy. She saw his eyes trailing towards the chicken she had just placed on the table.

"Rhoda said to tell you to get her some black pepper and some fruit juice from the supermarket" she told him.

He looked at her, "Typical of her to keep me busy and you ran her errands now?"

She opened her mouth to answer but Doreen spoke first.

"Sophia I got all my math correct today!" She said a bright smile on her face.

"Thats wonderful dear, mummy says you have to go and bath now because dinner will be ready soon. Plus she says she has got a special surprise for you so I think you better hurry" she whispered the last part quietly.

Doreen jumped off the chair squealing as she headed for her room with her school bag.

Daniel stood up his chair scraping the floor loudly mumuring loudly as he left, "A surprise for my niece. When will anyone surprise me with chicken?"

Sophia stared after him, even after the door closed after him.

"He can be childish at times. Dont let him get to you with his childish antics" Rhoda said from behind her

She shrugged, "I'm not bothered by him"

"That's good. Now all I'm praying for is for that woman who is going to keep him in line and change him for the better"

She turned to look at Rhoda whose hands were supporting her back.

"I know he looks okay but you've seen the way he is with Doreen. He is going to be a great father one day if only he will stop running around busying himself with work and settle down and start a family. I can tell he wishes for that too. Just can't figure out the problem that's holding him back"

Rhoda now sounded worried.

"Well I'm sure when he's ready he will settle down and begin his family" Sophia said.

Rhoda smiled, "Let's pray so and that it happens soon. Very soon in fact"

Sophia smiled knowing she was just about launching into another tirade.

"And if he has problems finding the right woman I can help him out, I have a lot of female friends that are really interested in him and there is this friend of his that has really liked him from their high school days. I'm sure..."

A smell of burning onions wafted into the room. "Something is burning" Sophia said thoughtfully which immediately drew Rhodas attention.

"Oh no"she moved as fast as she could into the kitchen with Sophia following her. The rest of the food was done in one hour. By which the rest of the family were already seated in the living room. Just as the last dish was placed on the table, a knock came which was exactly what Rhoda was expecting seeing as how her face brightened with a small smile.

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