Messy Hair

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A/N- I saw this picture on my Pinterest and was inspired. I'm also starting to take requests for one shots too. Hope you all enjoy.

John stood in the mirror fumbling around fixing his hair and clothes. John had been dating Sherlock for a few weeks now and he was beginning to be very self conscious. They hadn't told anyone they were dating yet but they would spend more time together than they would before. John started to notice how often people would stare at Sherlock in admiration and he feared Sherlock might be out of his league.  John reached for the hair gel in his cabinet to put into his hair.

"Don't." John jumped dropping the bottle of hair gel on the floor.

"Jesus Sherlock, don't do that." John gasps and picks up the bottle. Sherlock grabs in from him and holds it behind him.

"Sherlock! What the hell." John yells and tries to reach behind Sherlock but the detective keeps moving around, smirking at John struggling.

"I like the way your hair looks right now." Sherlock argues still fighting with John as the blogger tried to grab the bottle.

"Well I don't." He responds still struggling. Finally John just grabs Sherlock by his collar and smashes his lips against his. Sherlock lets out a surprised sound and kisses back. John pushes him against the bathroom door and he gasps dropping the bottle. John pulls away smirking and grabs the bottle from the floor.

"That's not fair." Sherlock says breathing unevenly still affected by the kiss.

"Yep!" John acknowledges and starts putting gel in his hair. Sherlock leans against the bathroom door pouting.  John brushed his hair in the style he likes and smiles. He turns around and sees Sherlock texting in his phone.

"Lestrade has a case for us." He says quickly and walk away from the bathroom. John follows behind and waits for Sherlock to hand him his coat like always. It was like their routine, first he hand him his coat, then open the door for him. Sherlock slipped on his scarf and walks out the door leaving John dumbstruck. He chuckled realizing Sherlock was doing it to get back at him. He grabbed his coat and ran after Sherlock.

They got into a cab and told the driver the address. Sherlock sat in the back seat and looked out the window, John thought he was ignoring him but really if Sherlock looked at him he knew he wouldn't be able to stay mad at him. When they reached the crimes scene they got out of the cab Sherlock continuing to ignore John.

Lestrade informed them of what was going on and Sherlock got to work deducing the body. John stood and talked with Lestrade allowing Sherlock to have his space although he knew Sherlock really wanted him to compliment him like always.

Sherlock finished and stood behind John, he watched John talk to Lestrade and felt himself slowly being unable to stay mad at him. He also realized how short John was compared to him. Sherlock grinned smugly and pulled his hands out of his pockets ready to attack. John hadn't acknowledged Sherlock yet so he knew John wasn't paying attention but he knew Lestrade was watching him.

He took his chance and dug his hands into John's gelled hair messing up the job John had done earlier. The gel caused John's hair to go in all different directions and spike up in different places. John yelped in surprise as Sherlock fingers scratched against his scalp and he felt the gel being messed up by the detective.

Sherlock pulled his hands away and leaned down to stare at John's face. John was in shock and Lestrade was standing behind them snickering trying to hide his laughter.

"Sherlock!" John yelled and turned to face his detective who was leaning down in front of his face. He was grinning cheekily knowing he had gotten revenge for this morning. John let out a frustrated sound and dug his hands in Sherlock's hair pulling at his curls trying to mess them up. He finally pulled away his hands still in his hair looking at Sherlock's face. He felt his anger melt away be he gripped his fingers around his curls and pulled Sherlock's face to his.

"You look pretty." John teased and pressed his lips against Sherlock's. The detective smiled and kissed him back melting against his doctor. They forgot about everything around them till Lestrade cleared his throat and John pulled away embarrassed. John tried to step away but Sherlock kept him close.

"Well it looks like Molly owes me £20." Lestrade laughs and John joins in.

"Lestrade I'll text you the details but right now I have other business to attend to." Sherlock dragged John to the cab that was waiting for them.

"I love you John." Sherlock said kissing his temple.

"I love you to Sherlock." John replied and pulled Sherlock into the cab.

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