Chapter 1

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Molly watched as the cake sizzled and let the bubbles settle down, the lemon was really all you could even smell in the kitchen, she then grabbed the cake and set it down on the counter softly.

She pulled out a can of frosting and a spreading tool, she jabbed the tool excitedly into the creamy mixture, then spreading it onto the cake, once she was done, she looked from the sink, to the spreader, to the sink, back to the spreader.

She licked a lump of cream frosting that sat unmoving on the spreader, she grinned and felt like a little kid again as she tossed the spreader into the sink, "She shoots!" She giggles, "And she scores!" She grins and leaps up, pumping a fist in the air.

"Good golly, your weird." Justin comes in, leaning against the door frame, making Molly whip her head around the face the one who called her weird, scoffing.

"Am not!" She snapped back, sticking her tongue out and leaning on the counter by the lemon cake, "You don't get any now." She smirked, pointing to the cake.

Justin pretended to pout, frowning, "I'm. Telling. Mommmm!" He playfully whines, and I just so happen to be in the mood, so I may or may not play along with him, I mean what's better than playing with my annoying and obnoxiously handsome roommate?

"No! Please! Don't tell!" She begged, pretending to zip her lips shut and lock it, shoving a key in her pocket, "You can have some!" She assures, spreading a stupid grin that probably covered her whole face.

He smiles, and grabs a a knife, Molly suddenly tilts her head in confusion, her brown locks falling to the side and splayed onto her shoulder, she furrows her eyebrows as he nears the cake, taking half of the cake!

"Hey!" She squeaks and stomps, "Put half of that piece back!" She demanded pointing to the cream frosted cake, pouting and whining, eyes fully angry.

He laughed shaking his head, "Nuh uh princess." He teased, holding the cake slice above his head so Molly couldn't reach it, she leaped and jumped, but he was taller than her, so it was really no use.

She frowned, grabbing his arm and trying to pull it down, getting annoyed, "Juuuustiiin!" She whined, jumping up again, trying to snatch away her perfect lemon cake that her annoying... but cute... roommate had stolen!

"Mooolllyyy!" He mimicked, smirking and raising it higher, she then grabbed a hand full of flour and chucked it at him, his tan featured face now extremely white, powder fell everywhere on the floor, he dropped the cake in surprise, his hazel eyes widen to the size of a dinner plate and he gasps.

"Oh, your getting it!" He says, looking half angry, half playful, he grabs and egg and cracks it over Molly's head, snickering as the egg white dripped down her head, the yolk slipped off her head, landing on her shoulder.

She scoffed and squealed in disgust, urgently wiping the egg white off her brown hair and grabbing a napkin, scrubbing in quick, swift, movements, frowning and throwing the yolk off her shoulder, glaring at Justin.

"Ha! Justin, point one, Molly, point zero." He laughed, brushing off his face and smirking before grinning at her like a jerk and backing out of the room, leaving a highly annoyed Molly to roll her eyes and start over again on her once-perfect lemon creme whipping sponge cake.

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