Stalker much?

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Hello,lovely readers. I know my chapters are really short but I can't help it. Am sorry. *sniffle* please vote and comment as you read so I will write longer chapter just by seeing your support._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     "Love is an emotion that comes when we least expect, it comes suddenly you feel like your heart is waiting to be ripped out."

Listen to for this chapter

Natalya P.O.V

     Everyday is a bad day.

I mean coming to work is really tiring, I feel like my legs are about to fall off any minute now. Today have been really busy,the cafe have been really busy even now it is still busy.

I did not sleep a wink yesterday thinking of what would happen if Liam found out about me. I would be in deep waters.

   The bell rings....signaling a new customer.... I put on my smiling face and turn to face the customer

     "Good mo......," talk of the devil! Why is he here!?

     "Cat got your tongue princess?"  He smirked at me.

     "What do you want?" I am more than ready to bite now and I don't care if my victim is a billionaire.

     "You." That's it! I am going in for the kill. Never mind that's my mind speaking not me.

    "Liam....leave me alone. I don't want to be friends with you."

    "Then date me." I am really reconsidering biting him.

    "No. I don't want to have anything to do with you."

    "You are hurting my feelings,princess" he said dramatically. The arrogant fool! I shake my head. He just won't listen. Hr called me already to ask me out and I said no but he won't listen. The stubborn mule!

    "Leave me alone,liam,or I will call the cops."

    "Call them, princess. I will be waiting." I groaned. What am I thinking? The cops are probably under his control!

    "Please,Liam. Just leave me alone."

    "Just this one date,princess. How hard could it be?"
    "No, Liam."

    "Then I will stay here till you agree."

    "" Leave me alone, you idiot.

    "Give me a cappuccino."


    "You are going to deny a customer?" He asked slyly ana I groaned again.

    "Oh,alright." I said angrily and storm off to the counter to make the worst cappuccino ever.

Liam P.O.V

    She is so the cops on me? Not really.
   I really can't keep my mind off her and it resulted in me blackmailing her employer to give me her details...... And my ego was bruised badly when she refused me when I called her....

    I mean who refuses a man like me….…

    "Here is your coffee," she said banged the cup on the table angrily. I feared for the cup.

    "Thank you, miss." I said sweetly and she glared. My fiesty princess. WHAT! Where did that come from?

    "You are not welcome." She snapped making me laugh.

    "You know,princess... I think you are hiding something.." I said and her reaction was quite revealing.

     "What!'m not hiding anything...I don't have to hide anything." She said and laugh nervously.

     "Really?" I raised my eyebrow at her and she nodded yes. "Then why is there no Natalya Rose the last time I checked?"

     "What! You ran a check on me! You creep!" She yelled. Thank Gos the customers are all gone.

   "Yes I did and I came up with nothing."

    "And you won't find anything because I am not hiding anything."

   "Alright then. But," I paused. "If you go on a date with me,I will stop checking."

    "No, I will not go on a date with you."

    "Then I will continue checking."

    "Oh no,you don't. Why are you even doing this? What do you want from me?"

   "Just one date. that's all." I replied quickly.

   "No just leave ma alone. I beg of you." She said and I see tell-tale signs of tears and my heart thumped. I hate it when ladies cry.

   "Hey,stop crying. What did I do wrong?" I'm seriously baffled.

   "Everything. Just leave me be."

   "Alright.just stop crying."

  "You will stop disturbing me?" She asked hopefully. Oh no,princess.

   "Not really. But I will back off for now." She pouted and I just wanted to kiss her lips till they were swollen. What the hell is she doing to me!

   "I don't like that answer."

   "You will have to make do with that," I replied and stood up straightened my clothes. "See you later,princess."

  Then I left the cafe.......




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