rj & benji's fun day

Start from the beginning

"I love you too." Will says with a smile. "Bye Daddy! I love you!" Benji says as he hugs Will.

"I love you too, bubba. Have fun and be good to Papi." Will says as he kisses Benji.

"I will, Daddy! Bye Coralei! I love you!" Benji says as he kisses Coralei's cheek. RJ picks up Benji, tickling him and waves at a sleepy Will.

RJ grabs the car keys and quietly shuts the door, locking it. "Let's go have some fun, bubba!" RJ says as he buckles Benji into his booster seat.

"Papi, your hair is gone!" Benji says as he rubs RJ's chin and cheeks. RJ chuckles at Benji's comment.

"I shaved! I look different, huh?" RJ says. "Yeah! Your face is smooth!" Benji says as RJ laughs.

"You know that stuff Daddy let's you play with sometimes?" RJ says as he gets in the driver's seat. "Yeah! It smells good!" Benji says.

"That's what you use to shave. You put it on your face and then use a razor to shave the hair off." RJ says.

"Woah! That's cool! I wanna shave!" Benji says as he giggles, making RJ giggle.

"You can shave when you get facial hair. That won't be for a while, bubba." RJ says as he begins to drive. "Oh!" Benji says as he happily smiles.

"Where do you wanna go, bubba? We can go anywhere you want." RJ says to Benji. "Can we go get ice cream?" Benji asks RJ.

"Of course we can! Let's go!" RJ says as he begins to drive to the ice cream cottage!

RJ and Benji hold hands as they walk into the ice cream cottage. "What flavor do you want, bubba?" RJ asks as Benji looks at all the ice cream flavors in the display freezer.

"The pretty blue and pink one!" Benji says happily. "Cotton candy? Okay! Do you want it in a cone or a cup?" RJ asks Benji.

"A cup!" Benji says as he smiles at RJ. "Okay, bubba. I'll order it. Sit at a table and wait for me." RJ says as Benji sits at a table, patiently waiting for RJ.

RJ got a Rocky Road ice cream on an ice cream cone while Benji gets cotton candy ice cream in a little cup with sprinkles and whip cream.

"Thank you, Papi!" Benji says as he begins to eat his ice cream. "You're welcome, bubba!" RJ says with a big smile.

Benji has whipped cream and ice cream on his lips and face. RJ giggles as he takes a picture of Benji to send to Will.

"Is it yummy?" RJ asks and Benji happily nods. Benji gives RJ a bite and then RJ gives Benji a bite. "What's this?" Benji asks as he points to the checker board.

"It's a checker board! Checkers is a game. Do you wanna learn how to play?" RJ asks and Benji happily nods. RJ and Benji play a few checkers games. Benji wins two of them!

"Where do you wanna go now, bubba?" RJ says as he and Benji walk to the car. "Can we go to the big park?" Benji asks RJ.

"Sure thing, big boy! Let's go!" RJ says as he picks up Benji making him laugh loudly.

RJ buckles Benji into his booster seat and then goes drives to the park. Benji and RJ run to the play ground.

They climb up the rock wall. "I won't let you fall, you got it." RJ says as Benji climbs to the top. "Woo hoo!" RJ says as Benji runs to the slide. RJ hides when Benji begins to slide.

"Boo!" RJ says making Benji laugh. Benji plays with the pirate wheel and then slides down the fire pole.

"I wanna do the monkey bars!" Benji says. "I'll help you, bud." RJ says as he lifts Benji up to grab the bars.

Benji slowly moves to each bar. "Awesome job, bubba!" RJ says as Benji finishes.

Benji and RJ sit on the swings together and take a picture. "Papi? Can you push me on the swing?" Benji says as RJ happily nods. RJ begins to push Benji on the swing.

"Higher!" Benji says as RJ pushes Benji higher. "Weeeee!" Benji says with a huge smile. "Hold on tight!" RJ says as he continues to push Benji.

After a few minutes, Benji and RJ are playing tag. "Tag you're it!" RJ says as he runs and Benji quickly tags him back. "You're it, Papi!" Benji says as he laughs.

A few seconds later, it begins to rain hard. Benji and RJ happily run around playing tag. RJ is happy to make a simple childhood memories with Benji, trying to replace all the bad ones he had when he was a baby.

RJ jumps into a puddle and Benji copies him. Benji runs around in the puddles, getting himself soaked.

RJ picks up Benji and tickles him again. He sets him down and Benji splashes in a few more puddles.

And then, it begins to thunder. "Uh oh! We need to go home now, bubba. It's gonna storm." RJ says as Benji runs into RJ's arms.

"Don't be scared, it's okay." RJ says as he carries Benji to the car. "Did you have fun in the rain, bubba?" RJ asks Benji.

"Yeah! I'm cold now." Benji says. "Here bubba, cover up." RJ says as he covers Benji up with a blanket.

RJ and Benji jam to music all the way home. Once at home, RJ picks up Benji and carries him into the house. Meanwhile, Will and Coralei are patiently waiting for Benji and RJ to get home.

Will is worried sick because the storm is getting bad. Will is just about to call RJ when RJ opens the door and he is carrying a soaking wet Benji.

"I was worried about you guys!" Will says as RJ and Benji take their shoes off. "Aw why? We were fine, babe. Just having fun in the rain." RJ says as he laughs and then kisses Will.

"Papi and I played tag in the rain and we jumped in huge puddles!" Benji says as he runs over to Will.

"I see that! You are all wet! Let's take a nice warm tubby and then eat some pizza. Does that sound good?" Will asks Benji.

"Yeah! But I had ice cream before dinner." Benji says, making Will laugh.

"It's okay, bubba. We just won't have desert after dinner since you already had some today. We can eat popcorn instead." Will says and Benji's face lights up. Benji loves popcorn.

"Go upstairs and get your bath toys ready, I'll be up in a second." Will says as Benji runs upstairs.

"You really gave him ice cream before dinner?" Will asks as he kisses RJ again. "Yes, are you jealous?" RJ ask Will. "Maybe." Will says as he chuckles.

After bath time and dinner time, Will, RJ, Benji and Coralei spend the rest of the night as a family, cuddling together in bed watching movies :)

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