Normal days 5b

694 18 44


All of us were around a table in the cafeteria. Even Nickel was here! How did they convince to come here?

"So. . . why are we all gathered here?" Knife asks.

"Well, I just noticed but aside from some of us knowing each other before and stuff, all of us barely know each other." Paper said. "After spending some time with Salt and OJ, I learned a lot of stuff about them. I kinda wanted to at least have everyone know each other better. That way we might be able to work together and . . . maybe escape together?"

"You are too pure for this world kid" Knife said.

"Um. .  thanks?" Paper said confused.

"An icebreaker? That doesn't sound too bad. I'll try then." Flower said.

"I guess I'll try" Coiny muttered.

"Good! So the game we're going to play is Spin the bottle!" Salt exclaimed.

This was met with a lot of complains and backlash.

"Nevermind. I'm leaving" 

"Is this a joke?"

"Ha ha. Hilarious."

"I pass"

"No no no! I don't mean that kind of spin the bottle!" Salt yelled. "I mean this! Someone will spin the bottle and the person who gets picked will have to pick a piece of paper from this bowl and answer a question on the paper. That's all" 

"Sounds interesting. I'll go first then." TB said.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Nickel.

"Oh great." Nickel groaned. He picked a slip from the bowl and read.

"Do you have a pet?"

"Well?" Salt asked.

"No, I don't have a pet." Nickel said flatly.

"Alright now you spin the bottle."

He did so and it landed on SB.

"OK, here I go." he said as he took a slip.

"Who was your first crush?" SB froze.

He looked up to see all of us starring at him.

"I-I don't really want to kill the happy mood here but she's dead." SB said sadly.

There was a cold silence.

"We understand SB. You don't have to say it if you're uncomfortable." I said.

"No, I'll say it. I liked TD." he said turning red.

"Oh, Teardrop?" Paper said surprised.

"She helped me get back up after Pen died and I really appreciated that." he said.

"That's nice. W-why don't you spin the bottle now?" Paper said quickly. I bet he was trying to not get the mood to drop.

"Sure" he said as he spun. It landed on Flower.

"*Sigh* Please don't be anything deep or serious." she said as she picked a slip. She read it and she looked guilty.

"Um. . . what is it?" Coiny asked.

"What's the worst thing you ever did to someone?" Flower said with a heavy sigh.

"Yikes. How bad was it?" I asked.

"I don't remember that much but I do remember some kid with brown hair who apparently was scared of the color grey. So for a prank, I dumped a whole can of gray paint on him. He actually had a panic attack and we had to get him to the hospital. The worse thing is that I remember laughing at him. God, that was really messed up of me." she said.

"It's OK. You're a better person now and that's all that matters." I reassured her.

"Thanks OJ. You know, if Teardrop wasn't the Therapist, I bet you would've been it."

"No no, I have my own problems and it was TD who helped me out. She deserves that talent." I said.

"By the way, why do you call her TD?" Nickel asked.

"She told me to call her that after one of her sessions." I replied.

"Me too!" SB added.

"Actually wait, does she do her entire session with her phone?" Nickel asked again.

"Well yeah, you heard it from the recording. She doesn't like to speak at all." GB said.

"I guess you're right." Nickel muttered.

"I do have an important question to ask you guys though." GB said.

"Sure, shoot" Coiny said.

"How much do you guys remember of your past?"

.  .  .

"Not much. I don't remember certain parts of my life but I still remember the people in my life." Knife said.

"Same for me" Paper said.

"I don't really have that much I remember but sometimes I get some flashbacks on some events I don't recognize." TB said. "But I do have a feeling that it might involve this school."

"You remember this place?" Salt asks.

"Sort of. As I said, I can't remember what it was and what was happening." 

"This might be important to remember." Nickel said.

"Yes in fact, TB and I wanted to talk to you all."

"About what?" Paper asked.

"Our plan to find a way out of course!" GB answers.

"So what's your plan?" Knife asked.

"We found the Principal Office"

Battle for Insanity - A BFDI/II Danganronpa CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now