Insanity Days 1c

979 18 32

Paper's POV (Surprise!)

I didn't know what Firey told me but it sounded like I should check the corpse.

I wasn't sure why but I guess I should at least look.

I went to the staircase and checked Leafy's body. I checked behind her and I found some writing.


A F and a L? Could this be a part of the killer's name?

I decided to keep note of this and I went to go find OJ.

I needed to tell him about this clue.


When I told OJ, he was in a deep thought.

I left because I didn't want to bother him.

Also, I need to use the bathroom.

Hopefully, there's enough ti-

DING DONG! "Alright kids! The trial will be starting soon! Please come to the classroom!"

Dang it

Battle for Insanity - A BFDI/II Danganronpa CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now