Howl had a childlike curiosity as he reached both hands and began massaging my ears.

"They're so soft," he murmured against my hair. I ducked my head into his chest to hide my embarrassment. I had never had anyone compliment them before.

One of Howl's hands left my ears and he reached around my waist, trailing lower and lower until without warning, his hand wrapped gently around my tail and I squealed in shock, jumping forward into his chest. I clutched at his shirt and my toes curled.

I felt Howl's chest vibrate when he chuckled. 

"Don't be embarrassed," he mumbled to me while pulling me closer. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to him, only to see that he was already looking at me, or rather, my lips.

I, too, felt the strong urge to be closer to him even though he was already crushing me to his chest. It just wasn't close enough.

"I'll try not to be," I whispered as his face began to dip closer to mine, our noses brushing softly against one another.

That was when I felt his lips whisper against mine. I involuntarily closed my eyes, my cheeks flushing a bright pink. As I felt his lips pause, I leaned up on my tiptoes and fully pressed my lips to his, relishing in the taste of powdered sugar and cookies on his lips.

Something seemed to break in Howl, as if a dam opened wide and I was suddenly lifted off of my feet, causing me to gasp into his mouth. Before I realized it, my back was pressed up against the rough bark of a tree, but I could care less because Howl's lips pressed into mine with a fervor I couldn't keep up with.

In my inexperience, I let Howl guide me. He trapped me in a vice-like embrace, pressing one against my lower back and his knee wedged between my thighs, causing something hot to build within me. His other hand cradled my face and his lips gently bit onto my lower before he sucked it into his mouth, as if trying to lick off the sugary residue.

I began to push back for dominance, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck and pulling myself closer so that I could kiss him back with as much passion as he showed me.

But that was when he cheated. He dropped his hand from my lower back to the edge of my pants and began to play with my wolf tail. My lips left his as I arched with a gasp. I could feel his grin as he lowered his lips to my neck, sucking on the juncture just above my collar bone.

"Cheater," I grumbled, enjoying his lips on my neck. He waited a few moments to answer before he slowly pulled back, giving my neck one last kiss.

"That was not cheating," Howl was eyeing my neck with a look of approval, "more like a bonus, if you ask me."

I didn't answer him, choosing to just gaze up at him. He was so handsome, it was hard to believe fate chose him for me. It was hard to believe he chose me.

"So, you don't hate me, right," I asked quietly. Howl's eyes snapped to mine, filled with confusion and determination all at the same time.

"I've never kissed a girl I hated, that would've been counter-productive," I knew he was trying to lighten the atmosphere so that I wouldn't stress about the Galaxy pack any longer, but this only caused my curiosity to pique with this new information.

"So there have been others," I questioned. I tried not to let jealousy color my tone.

"In the past, there have been a few, yes. But now I've finally found you, so there are no need for others," I was thankful for his honesty, it helped to cool my shewolf down at the prospect of competitors.

Running from Fate (A werewolf romance)Where stories live. Discover now